Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China: support Guangxi to attract and utilize more foreign capital _ Chinanet
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Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China: Support Guangxi to attract and utilize foreign capital more vigorously

2024-06-17 03:56

Source: China News Service

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China news agency, Nanning, June 16 (Zhang Guangquan) -- Jin Zhuanglong, minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China, said in Nanning, Guangxi, on June 16 that he would support Guangxi to build an important strategic hinterland of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, expand high-level opening up, make greater efforts to attract and utilize foreign capital, and actively integrate into the global industrial chain, supply chain, and value chain.

2024 China's industrial transfer and development docking activity (Guangxi) opened in Nanning on the same day. Jin Zhuanglong attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech.

Guangxi is backed by the southwest, adjacent to Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and connected to Southeast Asia. It has obvious geographical advantages, resource advantages and ecological advantages.

"At present, the transformation of new and old driving forces in Guangxi is accelerating, the industrial structure continues to be optimized, and the development of industries with distinctive advantages is accelerating. There is broad space and huge potential to undertake industrial transfer." Jin Zhuanglong said that he will support Guangxi to focus on industries with distinctive advantages, accurately undertake industrial transfer, promote the manufacturing industry to strengthen, supplement and extend the chain, and create new driving forces for development.

Jin Zhuanglong said that he would deepen the industrial cooperation mechanism between Guangxi and other regions. Innovate the docking mechanism of the eastern, central and western open platforms, support the joint construction of industrial parks, deepen counterpart cooperation, promote industrial complementarity, personnel interaction, and technology mutual learning, strengthen scientific and technological innovation cooperation, promote cross regional incubation and transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and develop new quality productivity according to local conditions.

Liu Ning, Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, pointed out that Guangxi will expand the platform for industrial cooperation, make every effort to optimize the business environment, enhance the convenience of industrial cooperation, and create all convenient conditions for enterprises to choose Guangxi, invest in Guangxi, and settle in Guangxi with the benefits of policy superposition, market operation convenience, and business environment.

The event signed 360 projects with a contract amount of 374.1 billion yuan. (End)

[Editor in charge: Zhao Chao]
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