Beijing Upgrades and Releases High Temperature Orange Warning
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Beijing Upgrades and Releases High Temperature Orange Warning Signal

2024-06-17 03:56

Source: Xinhua News Agency

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Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 16 (Reporter Tian Chenxu) The Beijing Meteorological Station upgraded and issued a high temperature orange warning signal at 17:00 on June 16: It is expected that the highest temperature in the plain area will reach above 37 ℃ from 13:00 to 17:00 every day from June 17 to 18. Please take precautions.

The reporter learned that on June 15, the Beijing Meteorological Station launched the second yellow high temperature warning this summer. According to the meteorological department, the heating group made a strong debut again on the 16th, with the highest temperature of 35 ℃ on the day and the lowest temperature at night expected to be 22 ℃. When you go out, you should pay attention to sunstroke prevention and sunscreen.

The Beijing Municipal Emergency Management Bureau warned that the Beijing Meteorological Station had upgraded and issued a high temperature orange warning signal at 17:00 on June 16. It is expected that the highest temperature in the city will reach above 37 ℃ from June 17 to 18. Please take heatstroke prevention measures to prevent heatstroke. It is recommended to stop outdoor work and reduce outdoor activities during high temperature period.

In meteorology, the temperature above 35 ℃ can be called "high temperature weather". High temperature warning signals in China are divided into three levels, namely yellow, orange and red. Among them, the standard of high temperature orange warning signal is that the maximum temperature will rise to above 37 ℃ within 24 hours. Under such early warning signals, people should do a good job of sunstroke prevention and sunscreen when going out, try to avoid outdoor activities during high temperature periods, and try to shorten the outdoor operation time. In addition, the government and relevant departments should do a good job in response to high temperatures according to the plan, and the employer should implement heatstroke prevention and cooling measures.

[Editor in charge: Zhao Chao]
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