Visiting the scene of Beijing college entrance examination marking: how to "publish" a test score_ Chinanet
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Visiting the scene of Beijing college entrance examination marking: how to "publish" a test score?

2024-06-17 03:50

Source: China News Network

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China news agency, Beijing, June 16, by wire: Visiting the scene of Beijing's college entrance examination marking: how does a test score "come out"?

China News Agency reporter Lv Shaowei

The 2024 college entrance examination in Beijing will be held from June 7 to 10. At present, the evaluation of examination papers in various subjects is being carried out in an orderly manner. How to get the score of an examination paper? How to ensure fairness, impartiality and objectivity? Journalists from China News Service visited Tsinghua University and Peking University respectively on the 16th.

How to ensure the security of marking?

At the Beijing College Entrance Examination Math Evaluation Point located at Tsinghua University, the reporter entered the scene after several "checkpoints" such as identity verification, temporary storage of communication equipment, and security inspection. The first thing he saw was a striking slogan with the words "fair, scientific, and standardized". The marking staff is carefully reviewing the test paper on the computer screen. There are paper and pen on the desk. The marking staff also records the problems to be further confirmed on the paper from time to time.

On June 16, at the scene of mathematics marking for the college entrance examination in Beijing, Tsinghua University, the marking staff conducted computer marking. Photographed by Jiang Qiming, a reporter from China News Service

The marking place shall be managed in a closed way, and measures such as public security personnel on duty and patrolling around the clock shall be taken to ensure safety. Irrelevant personnel are strictly prohibited from entering the marking place.

In addition, there are many "technical prevention" measures. Before marking, all computer networks, software and hardware systems, and marking application systems shall be installed and tested in a unified manner, and information security protection measures shall be strengthened to prevent virus infection and hacker intrusion. The network connection is physically isolated from the external network in the form of LAN to ensure the safety and smoothness of the network.

Who will judge the college entrance examination paper? When was it rated?

Zhou Yuling, vice president of Beijing Education Examination Institute, introduced that the grading work started on June 11 and is expected to end on June 24. During this period, Beijing organized 1547 teachers, including top teachers and subject teaching leaders, to review at 6 grading points.

According to the arrangement, Beijing will release the results of the college entrance examination of candidates before noon on June 25, as well as the minimum control score line for each batch of admission and the score distribution table of the city's candidates. From 8:00 on June 27 to 17:00 on July 1, the unified examination candidates will fill in the undergraduate volunteer form, and the individual examination candidates will fill in the single enrollment volunteer form. Admission will be conducted from July 8 to August 2.

How to ensure the fairness and impartiality of grading?

College entrance examination papers are generally composed of objective and subjective questions, and their grading has corresponding working norms. Zhou Yuling introduced that after the answer card was scanned, the examinee information was hidden by means of encryption. After the subjective question image is cut into pieces according to the question, it is randomly distributed to the account of the relevant marking teacher through the marking system. Each marking teacher is only responsible for distributing the question review, and can't see the whole test paper of the examinee.

"Back to back double evaluation" shall be implemented for all subjects, and three or four evaluations shall be conducted for the questions whose double evaluation exceeds the threshold. The grading experts conduct a certain proportion of spot check on the quality of the grading papers every day, and review all the arbitration papers that have undergone three or four evaluations to ensure that the evaluation of each answer paper is scientific, objective, fair and just.

How is the current score?

At the Peking University marking point, Song Yayun, the head of the Chinese subject marking team of the 2024 Beijing College Entrance Examination, said that this year's college entrance examination Chinese subjects will conduct a comprehensive examination of students from the aspects of language foundation, language ability and core literacy, and the examination paper structure will be the same as last year.

With regard to the idea of the topic of the big composition, Song Yayun analyzed that the topic is close to the reality and the times, causing students to think about the current and developmental issues of the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

Up to now, there have been some optional articles with full marks, and the final score will be determined through the collegial evaluation of the expert group.

With regard to the grading of mathematics papers, Li Peiyu, the person in charge of the grading point of Tsinghua University, introduced that this year's Beijing mathematics paper emphasized the examination of the main knowledge of mathematics, and also noted the relevant requirements for the ability of selective examinations. The expert group believes that the overall difficulty of this year's mathematics paper is moderate. Up to now, in addition to the 40 point multiple-choice questions reviewed by the machine, each non multiple-choice question with 110 points has been given full marks for a single question.

As the representative of the college entrance examination students, Peng Yao from Beijing No.2 Middle School participated in the activity throughout the whole process, "From the multiple defense lines of security inspection to the 'double evaluation' mechanism, there was no dead end in the whole process. As an examinee, I trust in the fairness and impartiality of scoring." (End)

[Editor in charge: Zhao Chao]
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