Cross Straits Compatriots Gather in Liquor Featured Towns to Explore Industrial Development with Liquor as a Medium Chinanet
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The compatriots from both sides of the Taiwan Straits gather in the liquor featured town to explore the industrial development through liquor

2024-06-17 03:36

Source: China News Service

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China News Network, Shaoxing, June 16 (Xiang Jing) "Tongshan Shao has a long history of brewing technology, and has formed a liquor culture with regional characteristics, which should be inherited and carried forward. I hope that more Taiwanese youth will come to the mainland to experience Chinese culture personally." Chen Mingzhe, chairman of the founding committee of the Taipei Natural Fermentation and Health Care Association, said in an interview recently in Tongshan Town, Zhuji City, Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province.

Compatriots from both sides of the Taiwan Straits visited Tongshan Town Liquor Testing Center. Picture provided by Shao Haichao

As a sub event of the Shaoxing Special Session of the 2024 Zhejiang Taiwan Cooperation Week, the cross-strait liquor culture and economic and trade exchange activity of "Liquor fragrance floating across the Taiwan Straits and development of Tongtaihua" was recently held in Tongshan Town. Eleven Taiwanese from the Natural Fermentation and Health Preservation Association of Taipei entered the "Chinese liquor characteristic town" to promote the development of the cross-strait liquor industry through liquor.

Visit the liquor testing center in Tongshan Town, investigate the "original pot" and "drunk beauty" liquor enterprises in Tongshan, discuss the development of liquor industry... At the exchange activity site, Taiwanese people have a deep understanding of the liquor culture, brewing technology and industrial development in Tongshan.

"Chinese wine culture is diverse, and burning in the same mountain is very amazing." Chen Mingzhe has been more than 20 years since the last "landing", and what impressed him most is the earth shaking changes in the mainland. He said that he had obtained the practicing qualification certificate of "wine taster" in the mainland. Zhejiang Tongshanshao and Taiwan sorghum liquor are both light flavor liquor, both of which are pure, mellow and sweet. He also hoped to pass on and promote the Chinese liquor culture through this exchange.

Li Hualin, president of the Natural Fermentation and Health Preservation Association of Taipei City, said, "As a cultural carrier, wine carries emotion and wisdom. The wine culture on both sides of the Taiwan Straits comes down in one continuous line. We look forward to promoting the cooperation and development of the liquor industry through today's exchanges and enhancing the feelings of compatriots on both sides of the Straits."

Taiwan compatriots carefully check Tongshan Shao products. Picture provided by Shao Haichao

It is understood that Tongshan Town has a reputation of "fragrant wine and fruit all the year round", and Tongshan Roast is its main industry. In recent years, the local government has promoted the construction of sorghum planting demonstration bases with the traditional liquor brewing industry as the leader. It is estimated that by the end of this year, Tongshan Roast will have exceeded 10000 tons of output, with an output value of 1 billion yuan.

Chen Nengen, president of Zhuji Tongshan Shaojiu Association, mentioned on the scene that Tongshan Shao is an intangible cultural heritage of Zhejiang Province, which has lasted for thousands of years. Taiwan sorghum wine, with its exquisite craftsmanship and excellent quality, has a high reputation and many consumers in the mainland. This time, representatives of the liquor industry on both sides of the Straits gathered together to open up new horizons for the development of Tongshan Shao enterprises, and also bring new ideas for the development of the liquor industry on both sides of the Straits. (End)

[Editor in charge: Zhao Chao]
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