Experts: new models need to be fostered to promote high-quality development of silver hair
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Expert: It is necessary to cultivate new models to promote high-quality development of silver hair economy

2024-06-17 03:36

Source: China News Network

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China News Network, June 16 (China News Finance reporter Xie Yiguan) As the 21st century enters, the phenomenon of population aging has swept the world. How to deal with population aging has become a common concern of the international community.

From June 14 to 15, the "First National Elderly Care Association International Summit (2024)", hosted by the China Asian Economic Development Association and hosted by the Elderly Care Industry Committee of the China Asian Economic Development Association, was held in Beijing. Experts at the meeting focused on the silver economy and carried out in-depth discussions.

The picture shows the scene of the first National Association for the Aged International Summit (2024).

"After more than ten years of hard work, the elderly care industry in China has made great progress." Xu Jianzhong, executive chairman of the China Association of Social Welfare and Elderly Care Services, said that the legal and regulatory system for elderly care services was initially sound, the elderly care service standard system was basically formed, the elderly care in home community institutions was more coordinated, and the smart and healthy elderly care industry was developing in an orderly manner, The pilot project of long-term care insurance was gradually promoted.

In Xu Jianzhong's view, the development of silver economy is a realistic need to realize the people's aspiration for a better life, a powerful measure to promote high-quality development, and will inject new momentum into high-quality economic and social development.

In the face of the aging process of the population, Yu Jianwei, president of the China Foundation for the Development of the Cause of Aging, believes that the demand of this huge group has bred huge social potential, providing broad market prospects for the development of the silver economy. "The national level decision-making and deployment on the development of the cause and industry for the elderly has provided fundamental guidance for us to promote the development of the silver economy and improve the well-being of the elderly."

Chen Jun, the executive vice president and secretary-general of the China Association for Asian Economic Development, also mentioned that ensuring the quality of life of the elderly has become an objective requirement for China's social development. The pension industry has touched the pain point of social demand, rising along the trend, and the resulting silver economy has historical opportunities.

At the meeting, Chen Jun quoted a set of market data: from 2019 to 2023, the market size of China's silver economy will grow at a compound growth rate of about 13.2% per year, and it is expected that the market size will reach 12.3 trillion yuan by 2028.

He also mentioned that from a global perspective, the prosperity of the silver economy is an opportunity brought by the aging trend of society, but opportunities often coexist with challenges. How to effectively implement the relevant national pension industry policies, how to better realize the effective docking of pension service demand and supply, and how to use the advanced international pension industry development model for our use are the topics to be studied in this historical opportunity period.

Gao Chengyun, director of the China Aging Science Research Center, offered his own opinion on how to develop the silver economy: the development focus of the silver economy should be four systems, namely, the service supply system, the product supply system, the industrial development system and the production factor system.

Among them, the industrial development system includes seven potential industries, namely, the elderly goods industry, the smart health elderly care industry, the rehabilitation accessories industry, the anti-aging industry, the pension financial service industry, the elderly tourism service industry, and the aging transformation industry.

In Gao Chengyun's view, there are two "sharp swords" reshaping all industries in the future, one is digital, the other is aging. Digitization is a "fast sword", and aging is a "slow sword", slowly changing all walks of life.

He believed that in the future, we should promote the development of industrial clusters, cultivate new formats and models, and expand industrial clusters. At the same time, we will promote cross regional international cooperation in the economic field of Yinfa, build a talent supply and demand exchange platform, and help the high-quality development of Yinfa economy. (End)

[Editor in charge: Zhao Chao]
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