Follow the General Secretary to Explore Chinese Civilization | Connect the World with Confidence and Self Reliance _ Chinanet
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Follow the General Secretary to explore Chinese civilization | Connect the world with confidence and self-improvement

2024-06-16 20:40

Source: Xinhua News Agency

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Pingyao Ancient City, a pioneer of trade routes, is the hometown of civilization. This is the birthplace of Shanxi merchants with profound cultural heritage. Rishengchang Bank has pioneered the development of China's financial industry.

Rishengchang Bank was founded in the third year of Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty. In 1823 AD, it was known as the originator of China's modern banking industry and was famous for its "exchange to the world".

On January 27, 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping came here for investigation. The General Secretary stressed that we should strengthen our cultural confidence, deeply explore the cultural connotation of Shanxi merchants, better carry forward the excellent traditional culture of China, and better serve the economic and social development and people's high-quality life.

In the old ticket shop courtyard, grey bricks and tiles and cultural relics left behind all tell us the spirit of Shanxi businessmen who are honest and trustworthy, pioneering, work together, pragmatic, and serve the people. Today, more and more people come here to appreciate the wisdom of the ancients and inherit this precious cultural heritage while feeling the charm of China's excellent traditional culture.

Chief planner: Huo Xiaoguang

Planner: Li Zhengyu

Produced by: Sun Zhiping

Producer: Fan Hua

Editor in chief: Yang Yong, Yang Yunyan

Editor and director: Liu Siyuan

Reporter: Xu Wei, Li Ziyi

Reporter: Ren Tingyu

Voice over: Wang Shuailong

Poster: Xia Yong

Produced by Xinhua News Agency Audio and Video Department

Produced by Xinhua News Agency

[Editor in charge: Tang Jialei]
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