Putin Signed Law Approving China Russia Moon Cooperation _Chinanet
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Putin Signed Law Approving China Russia Moon Cooperation

2024-06-14 09:01

Source: Reference Message Network

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On June 13, according to the daily report of the Reference News Network, Russia and China will jointly build an international moon research station. Russian President Putin signed the law on the ratification of relevant agreements between the two countries on the 12th.

The cooperation agreement was signed in November 2022. According to the proposal of the Russian government, the mission of the International Lunar Research Station is to carry out scientific research, including lunar exploration and utilization. It plans to conduct research experiments and test the possibility of long-term unmanned operation of the International Lunar Research Station. In the explanatory note, the Russian government mentioned the prospect of human habitation on the moon.

The implementation of the agreement will help Russia and China jointly carry out space activities.

Yuri Borisov, president of the Russian National Space Group, said earlier that the exploration of the moon by Russia and China would begin around 2036. Borisov's deputy, Saviliev, announced in the Russian Parliament that more than 10 countries and international organizations have joined Russia and China to jointly build an international lunar research station project.

Russia and China have established a joint data center for lunar exploration, and are coordinating the missions of Russia's Luna-26 and China's Chang'e-7. (Compiled/Li Ran)

[Editor in charge: Li Zhi]
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