At the Shanghai Fair, I met the "future prospect" of the technology industry _ Chinanet
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Meet the "future prospect" of science and technology industry at the Shanghai Fair

2024-06-14 09:03

Source: Xinhuanet

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Xinhua News Agency, Shanghai, June 13 Title: Meeting the "Future Vision" of Science and Technology Industry at the Shanghai Fair

Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhou Rui

Underwater UAVs can see the underwater Vientiane, humanoid robots can independently "walk" in the venue, can carry people in the air "taxi", and cooperative robots can "fly" to complete product quality inspection in motion... At the ongoing 10th China (Shanghai) International Technology Import and Export Fair, a series of new technologies New products are portraying a new picture of the future.

Low altitude economy is a new technology that has attracted much attention recently. At the Shanghai Fair, many enterprises came with eVTOL (electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft).

With the red and white coating, the 2 ton cargo unmanned aerial vehicle V2000CG brought by Fengfei Aviation Technology became the "star exhibit" of the Shanghai Fair. After one and a half years of airworthiness certification process, this aircraft obtained the model certificate issued by the Civil Aviation Administration of East China in March this year, and has received more than 200 domestic and foreign orders.

Fengfei Aviation Technology demonstrated cargo unmanned aerial vehicles at the Shanghai Fair. Photographed by Zhou Rui, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

Xie Jia, senior vice president of Fengfei Aviation Technology, said that at the beginning of this year, Fengfei Shengshilong "air taxi" flew across the sea from Shenzhen to Zhuhai, shortening the one-way 2.5 hour ground drive to 20 minutes. "We also delivered the first Shengshilong aircraft to Japanese customers, which is expected to achieve eVTOL demonstration flight during the 2025 Osaka World Expo".

"Just two weeks ago, our manned eVTOL aircraft launched the airworthiness certification work, which is expected to be completed in 2026. After the certification is completed, our 'air taxi' can be used for air passenger operations, bringing new options for air travel for residents." Xie Jia said.

UAVs can fly into the sky and into the sea. The "Eye of the Sea" light industrial underwater robot brought by Donggu Intelligence can complete the tasks of optical cable inspection, search and rescue, underwater archaeology, etc. The company also aims at the underwater diving photography market segments in Southeast Asia and other places to accelerate the pace of "going global".

The audience watched the walking demonstration of humanoid robot at the Shanghai Fair. Photographed by Fang Zhe, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

Zhu Min, director of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, said that as a "wind vane" of technology trade, 28 enterprises and institutions first launched new products and technologies at the Shanghai Fair, including 11 globally or nationally. "As a national, international and comprehensive exhibition in the field of technology trade, the Shanghai Fair will give full play to the function of technology trade platform, support the promotion of industrial innovation through scientific and technological innovation, transform more scientific and technological achievements into real productivity, and provide a platform for the display and transformation of new quality productivity."

The 10th Shanghai Fair was held in Osaka, Japan, as the guest of honor overseas. He Tian Cai, director of Osaka Economic Strategy Bureau, introduced that Osaka demonstrated advanced technologies in the field of energy conservation, environmental protection and intelligent manufacturing with the theme of "the testing ground of the future society". At the "Japan Osaka Enterprise Technology Promotion Conference" held during the Shanghai Fair, 7 Japanese enterprises and 20 Chinese enterprises participated in the docking exchange. Through the pre docking of projects in the early stage and face-to-face exchange and negotiation at the event site, a total of 15 projects reached cooperation intentions after the conference.

At the Shanghai Fair, visitors were visiting the technology brought by Osaka, the foreign guest of honor. Photographed by Zhou Rui, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

Adhering to the concept of "innovation driven development, protection of intellectual property rights, and promotion of technology trade", the Fair anchored the cutting-edge trend of world science and technology development. With the theme of "digital chain era, green future", it set up five exhibition areas, namely the theme pavilion, energy low-carbon technology, digital technology, biomedical technology, innovative ecology and services, with a total exhibition area of 35000 square meters, It gathered innovative achievements from 10 countries and regions around the world and 19 provinces, autonomous regions and cities across the country, nearly 1000 exhibitors, and a number of high-tech enterprises, specialized and new enterprises in various fields.

Since its establishment in 2013, the Shanghai Fair has attracted more than 8500 merchants from more than 30 countries and regions, and has continued to build a "vane" and an "ecosystem" of technology trade.

[Editor in charge: Liu Junling]
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