Wang Jiaqiong and his entourage went to Xiong'an New Area for investigation - Beijing Jiaotong University News Network
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Time: July 2, 2022 Source: New Campus Construction Office Author:

Wang Jiaqiong and his party went to Xiong'an New Area for investigation

On July 1, 2022, President Wang Jiaqiong and his party went to Xiong'an New Area for investigation and research, held a discussion and exchange with the responsible comrades of the management committee of Xiong'an New Area on matters related to the landing of the national key project platform, and made a field investigation on the site selection of Xiong'an Campus of our school.

Zhang Guohua, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Hebei Provincial Committee, deputy governor of Hebei Province, secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the Management Committee of Xiong'an New Area, met Wang Jiaqiong and his delegation. He said that Xiong'an New Area is currently promoting the construction of key areas and major projects with high standards and quality in accordance with the decisions and deployment of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, the provincial party committee and the provincial government, striving to create a first-class living environment, promoting the attraction of the new area to be constantly enhanced, and creating conditions and laying a solid foundation for undertaking the non capital functions of Beijing. He hoped that the school would promote the construction of Xiong'an Campus with high standards and efficiency, give full play to the advantages and characteristics of the school, serve and integrate into the construction and development of the new area, and jointly promote the implementation of major national strategies to achieve results.

Wang Jiaqiong, on behalf of the school, thanked Xiong'an New Area for its strong support. He said that this time he visited Xiong'an New Area and felt the earth shaking and ever-changing changes in the New Area. He was excited and full of expectations. At present, the school is devoting its whole strength to the overall planning and construction of Xiong'an Campus. In the next stage, it will continue to accelerate relevant work with the support and help of the New Area, actively serve the national strategic needs, serve the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and serve the construction of Xiong'an New Area, and strive to contribute more to Jiaotong University.

At the meeting, both parties had in-depth exchanges on the progress of the overall planning and design of Xiong'an Campus and the implementation of key projects.

During the survey, Wang Jiaqiong and his party also visited the Comprehensive Service Center of Xiong'an Start up Area to learn about the recent planning of the new area, and went to the new site of Xiong'an Campus of our school for on-site investigation.

Vice principals Yu Zujun, Zhao Peng and comrades in charge of the Major Projects Office and the New Campus Construction Office accompanied the investigation. Ma Mianhong, member of the Party Working Committee and deputy director of the Management Committee of Xiong'an New Area, Wu Xiaoning and other leaders from relevant departments attended the symposium.

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