Kapokon announced that it had acquired the animation studio that produced the mini horse and had participated in the production of Biochemical Crisis: Village

2024-07-02 11:06:38 Divine comment

17173 News Introduction

On July 1, two thirds of the total issued shares of Minimum Studios, a Taiwan based company established in 2018 and dedicated to game development and animation production, had been announced to be acquired by the developer Capcom. Now, the Mini Studios has become a subsidiary of Capcom.

On July 1, two thirds of the total issued shares of Minimum Studios, a Taiwan based company established in 2018 and dedicated to game development and animation production, had been announced to be acquired by the developer Capcom. Now, the Mini Studios has become a subsidiary of Capcom. It has participated in the production of Biochemical Crisis: Village, Biochemical Crisis 4: Reproducing and Dragon's Creed 2, and is responsible for the production of transition animation and in game animation.

Capcom said in a statement: "The advantage of the mini horse studio is to develop and produce animations for consumer grade home video games. The studio has participated in the production of Capcom's main games in the past. Capcom decided to take the studio as its subsidiary to continuously enhance its development and technical capabilities and strive to achieve the long-term business goal of selling 100 million copies annually. Looking ahead, Capcom will continue to explore the acquisition of necessary technical capabilities to strengthen its game development organization. "

More《 Capcom 》Please pay attention to 17173 for relevant information.

[Editor: Kang Kang]