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The US dollar fell the most in two months, but analysts called for no selling

Although the US dollar fell on Monday, analysts expect that the interest margin will continue to bring upward pressure on the US dollar, and

The Bank of Japan's "eagle sound" is getting louder! The curtain call of Abenomics enters the countdown?

Kazuo Ueda suggested that the Bank of Japan might get support for the year-end interest rate increase data, but the Bank of Japan's monetary policy

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Yingkou, Liaoning: carry out special supervision on "two responsibilities" of food safety

From August 24 to September 1, the Food Safety Office of Yingkou City, Liaoning Province organized six counties in the city, including Dashiqiao and Gaizhou

Fuzhou, Fujian Province: Strictly implement the price marking system to maintain the post disaster market price order

Recently, affected by typhoon "sea anemone", Fuzhou City, Fujian Province has been flooded, resulting in the supply of meat, eggs and vegetables

The "Iron Fist" campaign has exposed six typical cases in Hubei

On September 8, the reporter learned from the Market Supervision Bureau of Hubei Province that the market supervision departments at all levels in Hubei Province have

Enhancing Quality Awareness and Promoting High Quality Development | Zhejiang Shaoxing Releases White Paper on Quality Infrastructure Construction

Recently, the Market Supervision Bureau of Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province issued the White Paper on Quality Infrastructure Construction

More than 400000 kinds of high-quality books gathered in Beijing Ditan Park

The book market has set up a reading experience hall for children. Booths participating in the activities of benefiting the people are crowded with books

TV "Taowa" Charging Renovation, "Remote Control" Returned to the Audience

China Consumer Daily reported (reporter Wang Xiaoyue) that turning on the TV is the start up advertisement, and without paying attention to the click

Beijing Municipal Market Supervision Bureau held emergency drills for food safety accidents

On September 7, Beijing Municipal Market Supervision Bureau and Tongzhou District Government jointly held the Beijing Food Safety Conference in Tongzhou District

Xinyu, Jiangxi Province: The transformation of catering kitchens is "hot"

Consumers in the High tech Zone of Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province accidentally found many restaurants in the zone when they were dining out recently

Fujian Ningde: Interview with 18 online catering third-party platform agents

In order to consolidate the achievements of "spot rectification" of online catering, the Market Supervision Bureau of Ningde City, Fujian Province held a meeting on September 1

Jinshan, Shanghai: Take multiple measures to make "tip consumption" in rural areas more reassuring

On September 5, the reporter learned from Lvxiang Market Supervision Office in Jinshan District of Shanghai that since this year

Saving money is better than saving golden beans? Risk of loss should be prevented

China Consumer Daily reported (reporter Nie Guochun) that recently, the topic of "Jindou has become a new financial favorite of young people"

Who will be most affected by the reduction of interest rate of stock housing loan

China Consumer Daily reported (reporter Nie Guochun) that after several briefings, the first housing stock that has attracted much attention

Report tracking | Anti addiction system becomes a display of Sanwen NetEase game of Shanghai Consumer Protection Commission

On August 23, Shanghai Consumer Rights Protection Committee held a roll call egg party (produced by Netease games)

Shanghai launched a special action to control the quality and safety of children's and student supplies, investigated 179 cases, and confiscated 1.4111 million yuan

On August 31, the reporter learned from the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Market Supervision that the school year is coming