
    ZTE ZXR10 5950-60TM 48 port switch special price

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online]

    [Guangdong quotations of Zhongguancun Online] ZTE ZXR10 5950-60TM Switch Recently, in the "Guangzhou Huayue Xingtai Information Technology Co., Ltd." special promotion, the price is negotiable, good things and good prices, worth your starting! Interested friends can go directly to Room 4101, Sinopec Building, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, and No. 1729, 17th Floor, B3, Greenland Central Plaza, No. 163, Dongge Road, Qingxiu District, Nanning City, Guangxi Province for details. You can also consult the merchant about the promotion information of ZTE ZXR10 5950-60TM switch (contact number: 13600450624).

    Business activity: ZTE ZXR10 5950-60TM 48 port switches are waiting for you to order View

    Product model Market price (yuan) Commodity quotation (yuan) Up and down (yuan)
    ZTE ZXR10 5950-60TM
    - Price negotiation -
    Price collection date: May 26, 2024 (if the price fluctuates, the merchant's quotation shall prevail) View Products

     ZTE ZXR10 5950-60TM
    The picture is ZTE ZXR10 5950-60TM HD live shot

    Interpretation of main parameters of ZTE ZXR10 5950-60TM:
    product type Intelligent switch Application level three layers
    backplane bandwidth 598Gbps/5.98Tbps Packet forwarding rate 276Mpps
    Port structure Non modular supply voltage AC 100-240V,50-60Hz DC
    Port description 48 * GE RJ45 port, 4 * 10GE S Power supply Maximum power consumption:
    It's worth buying today
    When consulting, Zhongguancun Online will get better price and better service!
    Product name: ZTE ZXR10 5950-60TM
    Reference price: Price negotiation Online purchase
    Merchant name: Guangzhou Huayue Xingtai Information Technology Co., Ltd
    contact information: thirteen billion six hundred million four hundred and fifty thousand six hundred and twenty-four
    WeChat number: thirteen billion six hundred million four hundred and fifty thousand six hundred and twenty-four
    Contact address: Room 4101, Sinopec Building, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, No. 1729, Floor 17, B3, Greenland Central Plaza, No. 163, Dongge Road, Qingxiu District, Nanning, Guangxi
    Introduction to ZTE brand
    ZTE is the world's leading comprehensive communication manufacturing listed company, and one of the fastest growing communication solution providers in the world in recent years. In 1985, ZTE was established. In 1997, ZTE A shares were listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. In December 2004, ZTE was the first A-share company in mainland China

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: ZTE ZXR10 5950-60TM 48 port switch special price true report one thousand three hundred and eighteen [Zhongguancun Online Guangdong Market] ZTE ZXR10 5950-60TM switch has recently been promoted at a special price in the merchant "Guangzhou Huayue Xingtai Information Technology Co., Ltd.". The price is negotiable. Good things and good prices are worth starting with! Interested friends can go directly to Room 4101, Sinopec Building, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, and No. 1729, Floor 17, B3, Greenland Central Plaza, No. 163, Dongge Road, Qingxiu District, Nanning City, Guangxi, for details about
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