
    Ruijie Network Releases the Minimal Ether All Optical 3. X Solution, Ether Colorlight Leading the Innovation Road of Industry Network Architecture

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Chen He

    In the wave of digital transformation, "light into copper back" has become the inevitable trend of network infrastructure upgrading. With the accelerated implementation of 5G, cloud computing, Internet of Things and other emerging technologies, enterprises have put forward higher requirements for network bandwidth, delay and reliability. The traditional copper cable network has been difficult to meet the growing demand for data transmission. With its advantages of high bandwidth, low latency and many other advantages, optical fiber is accelerating to replace copper cable as the preferred medium for building the next-generation enterprise campus network.

    In this context, the construction of all-optical network is in full swing, showing a trend of comprehensive popularization. On the one hand, the backbone network is evolving to full optical, 100G and 400G optical transmission technologies are accelerating deployment, and the network bandwidth limit is constantly refreshed; On the other hand, the access network accelerates the upgrade to optical fiber, realizing the "last mile" coverage from optical fiber to parks, buildings and desktops. The all-optical network eliminates a variety of standard interconnection equipment, and the network architecture is more flat and simple, greatly reducing the construction, operation and maintenance costs.

     Ruijie Network Releases the Minimal Ether All Optical 3. X Solution, Ether Colorlight Leading the Innovation Road of Industry Network Architecture

    Ruijie Network has keenly grasped the development trend of all-optical network, and has successively launched a series of industry-leading solutions through continuous innovation. In the era of all-optical network 2.0, we have innovatively proposed the "minimalist Ethernet all-optical" architecture. Through innovative technologies such as "passive fiber transparent transmission+color light wavelength division multiplexing", the access network has realized a real sense of "minimalism".

    A few days ago, Ruijie Network officially released the minimalist Ethernet all-optical 3. X program, which provides end-to-end all-optical networking, minimalist deployment, and intelligent operation and maintenance solutions for the network pain points of key industries such as education, medical care, and enterprises, further leading the innovation of industry network architecture..

    The new engine of Ethernet Colorlight enterprise network transformation

    The minimalist Ethernet all-optical 3. X scheme of Ruijie Network is a revolutionary innovation, which provides a new idea and direction for the construction and development of the park network. The core of this scheme is the deployment of all-optical interconnection, which gives full play to the advantages of optical fiber transmission and provides high-speed, stable and flexible network connectivity for enterprise park application scenarios.

    One of the highlights of the minimalist Ethernet all-optical 3. X scheme is the introduction of Ethernet color light technology. Through the combination of CWDM technology, it realizes the transmission of multiple optical signals of different wavelengths in one optical fiber, replaces the traditional multiple optical fibers, greatly saves the backbone optical cable resources, and optimizes the network architecture. At the same time, the Ethernet color light technology has improved the density of core ports and the total number of interfaces, making the network expansion more flexible and efficient.

     Ruijie Network Releases the Minimal Ether All Optical 3. X Solution, Ether Colorlight Leading the Innovation Road of Industry Network Architecture

    In terms of network architecture, the minimalist Ethernet all-optical 3. X scheme adopts a large two-layer architecture design, replacing the traditional active convergence mode through passive transparent convergence. This innovation makes the sink node passive, greatly simplifies network management and operation and maintenance, achieves zero maintenance of weak current room, and significantly improves network stability. In addition, the scheme supports three architecture modes, namely optical modification, optical hybrid and color optical, which can flexibly adapt to network deployment scenarios in different industries, providing sufficient space for future network expansion.

    While ensuring high-speed transmission in the network, the minimalist Ethernet all-optical 3. X scheme also introduces advanced centralized power supply technology. By deploying the centralized power supply host, the centralized power supply of the access layer equipment is realized, the wiring and power management are effectively simplified, and the user's worries in the process of digital transformation are relieved. Moreover, the scheme is equipped with a powerful INC network intention commander and EMB intelligent operation and maintenance system, which provides network administrators with one-stop network management services and greatly improves the operation and maintenance efficiency.

    With the acceleration of digital and intelligent wave, the development of all-optical network shows the trend characteristics of wider connections, richer services, higher bandwidth demand, interconnection of everything, and wireless. The minimalist Ethernet all-optical 3. X scheme just conforms to this development trend. Through innovative design concepts and forward-looking technical routes, it provides strong support for the network modernization of various industries and helps enterprises achieve smooth upgrading and sustainable development.

    Scene based adaptation industry digital transformation sharp tool

    With the rapid development of digital economy, all walks of life put forward higher requirements for the park network. At present, the network architecture of many industries is generally facing the challenge of upgrading, and an innovative solution is urgently needed to break the bottleneck of development.

     Ruijie Network Releases the Minimal Ether All Optical 3. X Solution, Ether Colorlight Leading the Innovation Road of Industry Network Architecture

    In the education industry, due to the need to carry massive teaching resources and data, the requirements for high-speed transmission and stability of the network are very high. However, the network architecture of many schools still stays in the relatively backward copper wire era, which is difficult to meet the needs of information-based teaching. Through the successful practice in Xihua University, Nanjing University of Technology, South China Normal University High School and other schools, the minimalist Ethernet all-optical 3. X program has demonstrated a strong network construction ability, helped the school build a high-speed, flexible and easy to maintain campus network, and effectively improved the level of education informatization.

    Enterprise industry is the backbone of promoting economic development, and the park network plays a key role in supporting enterprise production, management and operation. However, with the expansion of enterprise scale and the development of business, the original network architecture is often difficult to adapt to the rapidly changing business needs, which has become a constraint to the digital transformation of enterprises. In the application case of Trina Solar Co., Ltd., the minimalist Ethernet all-optical solution fully demonstrates the enabling value for the construction of enterprise intelligent park network. By providing smart business support, industrial level stability and reliability, and sustainable business operation, we help enterprises build an agile, efficient and reliable park network, and accelerate digital and intelligent transformation.

     Ruijie Network Releases the Minimal Ether All Optical 3. X Solution, Ether Colorlight Leading the Innovation Road of Industry Network Architecture

    The medical industry is another application scenario of the minimalist Ethernet all-optical 3. X scheme. With the rapid development of smart medicine, the demand of medical institutions for network stability and real-time has soared. Core scenarios such as medical imaging, smart wards and outpatient clinics are increasingly dependent on network performance, while traditional network architecture only focuses on ensuring network connectivity, and it is difficult to keep pace with the development of smart medicine in terms of data transmission speed and stability. The minimalist Ethernet all-optical scheme has brought a new breakthrough for the network construction of medical institutions such as Gansu Wuwei Cancer Hospital, Linyi City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Jining Hospital of Xiyuan Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine with innovative technologies and leading concepts. Through the precise adaptation in the medical scene, the minimalist scheme has significantly improved the efficiency of medical services, improved the medical experience of patients, and added wings for smart medicine to take off.


    Through successful practices in key industries such as education, enterprises, and medical care, the minimalist Ethernet all-optical 3. X solution fully proves its value as a sharp tool for upgrading industry network architecture. With innovative technical routes, forward-looking design concepts, and flexible deployment modes, it accurately responds to the needs of the industry, provides strong support for the modernization of networks in different industries, and accelerates the digital and intelligent transformation process of the industry. In the future, the minimalist Ethernet all-optical solution will certainly shine in more industries, become a solid cornerstone of the industry's digital transformation, help all industries cultivate new quality productivity, and start a new journey of high-quality development.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Ruijie Network Releases the Minimal Ether All Optical 3. X Solution, Ether Colorlight Leading the Innovation Road of Industry Network Architecture true report four thousand two hundred and forty In the wave of digital transformation, "light into copper back" has become the inevitable trend of network infrastructure upgrading. With the accelerated implementation of 5G, cloud computing, Internet of Things and other emerging technologies, enterprises have put forward higher requirements for network bandwidth, delay and reliability. The traditional copper cable network has been difficult to meet the growing demand for data transmission. With its high bandwidth, low delay and many other advantages, optical fiber is accelerating to replace copper cable as
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