
    6G network logo has been approved by 3GPP

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Chen He

     6G network logo has been approved by 3GPP

    3GPP has officially passed the new mark of the upcoming 6G network specification. The logo is expected to debut at the "3GPP Phase I IMT2030 Use Case Workshop" held in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, from May 8 to 10, 2024. Global standardization institutions including China (CCSA), the United States (ATIS), Europe (ETSI), Japan (TTC), South Korea (TTA) and India (TSDSI) have announced that they will jointly promote the development of 6G. This international cooperation marks a joint effort in shaping the future of wireless communications.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: 6G network logo has been approved by 3GPP true report three hundred and twenty-five 3GPP has officially passed the new mark of the upcoming 6G network specification. The logo is expected to debut at the "3GPP Phase I IMT2030 Use Case Workshop" held in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, from May 8 to 10, 2024. Global standardization institutions including China (CCSA), the United States (ATIS), Europe (ETSI), Japan (TTC), South Korea (TTA) and India (TSDSI) have announced that they will
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