
    Ruijie Network Releases the Minimal Ether All Optical 3. X Scheme, Ether Colorful Light Leading the Innovation Road of the Park All Optical Network

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Chen He

    On the afternoon of April 25, 2024 (Beijing time), Ruijie Network held a press conference in Beijing with the theme of "more than light", officially releasing the minimalist Ethernet all-optical 3. X solution. For enterprise level park application scenarios such as education, medical care, office and intelligent manufacturing, the minimalist 3. X scheme adopts the deployment mode of all-optical interconnection, continues to carry forward the advantages of Ethernet color light technology, provides park network customers with minimalist connection, better experience, safe and reliable network capabilities, and faces the growing connection demand in the digital economy era, Boost the high-quality development of innovative business in various industries.

     Ruijie Network Releases the Minimal Ether All Optical 3. X Scheme, Ether Colorful Light Leading the Innovation Road of the Park All Optical Network

    Huang Zan, General Manager of Ruijie Network EBG Wireless Switching Products Business Department, addressed the conference. Huang Zan pointed out that the global trend of digitalization and intellectualization is accelerating, and enterprise customers are also looking forward to adapting to new business needs through technological innovation and structural change of smart parks, and building a park network that can meet rapid business changes. It is in this context and industry demand that Ruijie Network strongly values and adheres to the value of the Ethernet all-optical network, introduces it into the park network, and introduces the minimalist Ethernet all-optical scheme, which provides a strong network support for education, enterprises, medical care and other park customers, and promotes the continuous evolution of the park network format.

     Ruijie Network Releases the Minimal Ether All Optical 3. X Scheme, Ether Colorful Light Leading the Innovation Road of the Park All Optical Network

    Four years after its launch, Ruijie's ultra simple light solution did not just stay in "light", but continued to create a faster, simpler and more secure network connection solution, continued to introduce Ethernet color light technology to the smart park, and continued to change the adaptability series of new products with innovative and scene based capabilities. The minimalist Ethernet all-optical 3. X solution released this time is also the epitome of Ruijie's achievements on this technical route, which will set off a wave of changes in the campus network again.

    Technological route innovation Ethernet color light brings better choice for the upgrading of campus network

    The simplicity of innovation and continuous evolution

    Ma Wenqiang, the product director of the minimalist optical solution of Ruijie Network Wireless Switching Products Division, officially released the minimalist Ethernet all-optical 3. X solution for everyone at the conference site. The new ultra simple optical 3. X, which supports three architectures of optical transformation, optical mixing, and color light, has the advantages of easy network expansion, long-distance deployment, and true 10GbE indoor access, and adapts to network deployment scenarios in different industries; Proactively introduce the Ethernet color light technology in the park to realize centralized power supply in the access layer on the basis of effectively reducing the wiring cost from the central computer room to each building and ensuring exclusive bandwidth. The color light centralized power supply technology can be used to realize passive power supply in weak electricity rooms and centralized power supply in strong electricity rooms, It can also realize long-distance optical fiber transmission and PoE power supply through opto-electronic separation star host and opto-electronic hybrid cable, relieving users' worries about digital transformation.

     Ruijie Network Releases the Minimal Ether All Optical 3. X Scheme, Ether Colorful Light Leading the Innovation Road of the Park All Optical Network

    Minimal link Ethernet color light technology Convergence layer passive

    During the development of smart parks, due to the development of business within the park network, the number of lines, architectures and equipment will be more complex and diversified. For many parks that have been built for a long time, network upgrading and transformation are often affected by the current architecture device management Due to the limitation of space resources, the number of backbone optical fibers is small and resources are tight, and the reconstruction needs to be re routed through the well, which leads to great construction difficulty and long construction period.

    The introduction of Ethernet color light technology combining CWDM and Ethernet all-optical, which transmits eight pairs of optical signals with different wavelengths in one optical fiber instead of the previous eight optical fibers, can help the park effectively save more than 85% of backbone optical cable resources, and can significantly optimize the internal equipment management and space of weak current wells/rooms, avoiding the trouble of re wiring through wells.

    At the same time, the ultra simple light scheme under the Ethernet color light technology adopts a large two-layer architecture as a whole, replacing the active convergence of the original building with passive transparent convergence, which truly realizes the passive convergence node and zero maintenance of the weak current room; Moreover, through the integration of wavelength division technology and switches, the density of core ports and the number of total interfaces have been improved. The core side uses super fusion modules, and a single port can be connected to a single fiber to realize the access of eight incoming switches. The original 8 optical ports on the core side are replaced by an existing super aggregation module, which greatly reduces the number of ports occupied and the number of jumpers on the core side. The deployment mode is simpler and the operation and maintenance work is lighter.

     Ruijie Network Releases the Minimal Ether All Optical 3. X Scheme, Ether Colorful Light Leading the Innovation Road of the Park All Optical Network

    Better experience the network demand of "breakdown" park

    ● "Color light+Wi Fi 7": through the combination of wired all-optical network and wireless Wi Fi 7, the backbone network adopts a large two-layer architecture, which supports 2.5G/10G when entering the room, and the end matches the new generation of Wi Fi 7 APs in multiple scenarios. All optical network provides performance support for high-speed wireless.

    ● "Colorlight+power supply": Colorlight+newly launched centralized power supply host built by transparent convergence equipment realizes centralized power supply of access layer equipment, and makes clear the power and responsibility of weak current and strong current management; Star host is equipped with optoelectronic hybrid cable, which can realize long-distance optical fiber transmission+PoE power supply, and facilitate expansion according to business needs.

    ● "Color light+operation and maintenance": The INC network intention commander and the built-in intelligent operation and maintenance system EMB equipped with Extreme Light 3. X create a one-stop operation environment for network administrators to manage network equipment such as switching, wireless, routing and security, provide a package of services such as business opening, network monitoring, network operation and maintenance, as well as optical link detection, operation and maintenance, terminal status/location visualization and other means, Help network administrators achieve efficient operation and maintenance.

    Reliable and secure terminals are easier to access the network

    When the terminal accesses the network, it only needs three steps: "Application - Assign IP, Configuration Strategy - Approve Network Access". The approval time is reduced from 30 minutes to 2 minutes. At the same time, the access strategy and authorization can be visually configured according to the terminal information to ensure network access security.

    "With" and "color", colorful and simple light helps thousands of people

    At the press conference, Xiong Wei, the technical director of education industry of Ruijie Network EBG Strategic MKT and Solutions Department, Hu Bo, the technical director of enterprise industry, and Yuan Minxue, the technical director of medical industry shared the innovative practice of the minimalist Ethernet all-optical solution for education, enterprise, and medical industry.

    Education industry

    Xiong Wei, the technical director of the education industry, exemplified the application of Ethernet all-optical network construction in universities and primary and secondary schools through the projects of Xihua University, Nanjing University of Technology and South China Normal University:

     Ruijie Network Releases the Minimal Ether All Optical 3. X Scheme, Ether Colorful Light Leading the Innovation Road of the Park All Optical Network

    Starting from the "Digital Xihua" strategy, Xihua University has upgraded 29 buildings and more than 2000 rooms through the minimalist Ethernet all-optical scheme. At present, the school has realized 100G backbone networking, 80G color light transmission to the building, and 10G optical equipment indoor deployment, creating a new campus network that is "integrated", "high-speed", "flexible" and "easy to maintain".

    The campus of Nanjing University of Technology is built along the mountain as a whole. The buildings are scattered. In case of power failure and other failures in weak current rooms and regional convergence, the operation and maintenance is difficult and takes a long time. Once the network is disconnected, the normal teaching business and daily life of teachers and students will be affected. Relying on the Ethernet color light technology and equipment centralized power supply scheme, the school realizes the separation of equipment data and power supply. The data goes to the weak current room to achieve full passivity, and the power supply goes to the strong current room, which is managed by the logistics, greatly reducing the operation and maintenance pressure and improving the network stability.

     Ruijie Network Releases the Minimal Ether All Optical 3. X Scheme, Ether Colorful Light Leading the Innovation Road of the Park All Optical Network

    The High School Affiliated to South China Normal University has chosen the Ruijie ultra simple optical scheme for the construction of the new campus network. Now more than 300 ultra simple optical access switches and 80 color optical equipment are operating in the school, supporting daily education and teaching. The core side adopts super aggregation switch and all-optical networking, with high bandwidth and low delay characteristics to meet the development needs of smart campus in the next 5-10 years; The weak current room side adopts the passive convergence layer of Ethernet color light technology to avoid the impact of humid climate and frequent typhoons and rainstorms on equipment maintenance; The access side enjoys exclusive 10 gigabit/gigabit bandwidth access, and the information points in the classroom are accessed nearby to reduce the bridge pressure.

    Enterprise industry

    Hu Bo, the technical director of the enterprise industry, introduced that for the construction of the enterprise intelligent park network, the minimalist Ethernet all-optical 3. X scheme has adapted the scheme, architecture and products for multiple segmentation scenarios of the enterprise industry, and shared the three core values of minimalist 3. X in the enterprise industry with the practice case of Trina Solar Co., Ltd.:

     Ruijie Network Releases the Minimal Ether All Optical 3. X Scheme, Ether Colorful Light Leading the Innovation Road of the Park All Optical Network

    ● Smart business support: facing the flexible production needs of enterprise workshops, the overall plan has made grid deployment in the network and equipment, providing data and power supply through the time host and optoelectronic hybrid cable over a long distance, adjusting and changing wires only requires jumper at the end, and new businesses do not need to deploy strong current/UPS systems separately, reducing TCO by 20%;

    ● Industrial level stability and reliability: the production environment is complex inside, and the network equipment has very high requirements for high temperature resistance and dust prevention, and the production area operates 7x24 hours, so the network must consider high reliability design. Ruijie provides switching equipment with IP50 protection level, which meets the requirements of production scenarios for high temperature resistance, dust prevention, and electromagnetic interference prevention, and improves business stability by 50%.

    ● Business sustainable operation: Ultra simple 3. X built-in intelligent operation and maintenance system can achieve unified operation and maintenance of the whole network; Visualization of terminal status/location, optical link detection guarantees rapid fault location and resolution; The "three-step" is a quick start. The equipment is plug and play to help the network quickly recover from failures and ensure the continuous operation of production/office and other businesses.

    Medical industry

    Yuan Minxue, technical director of the medical industry, summarized the adaptation value of minimalist light in medical image, smart ward, outpatient clinic and other medical core scenes from the practice of Ethernet all-optical in Gansu Wuwei Cancer Hospital, Linyi City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Jining Hospital of Xiyuan Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

     Ruijie Network Releases the Minimal Ether All Optical 3. X Scheme, Ether Colorful Light Leading the Innovation Road of the Park All Optical Network

    ● Medical imaging: for the Wuwei Cancer Hospital in Gansu Province, real-time reading of high-definition images is very important in the treatment of cancer with heavy ion technology. More than 70% of the data in clinical diagnosis and treatment comes from images The number of MR images will reach 500 to 2000, and the size of high-definition medical images/3D image files will reach several gigabytes. The limitations of traditional network performance have seriously affected the efficiency of medical business development. However, with the all-optical deployment of Ethernet, the 1:1 bandwidth entered the room, and the time from loading to opening of 1G images was reduced from 5 minutes to 5 seconds, achieving a speed increase of nearly 60 times.

     Ruijie Network Releases the Minimal Ether All Optical 3. X Scheme, Ether Colorful Light Leading the Innovation Road of the Park All Optical Network

    ● Smart ward: With the construction of the smart ward system becoming mainstream, the demand of a large number of wired, wireless and Internet of Things access terminals inside the ward for the internal network of the ward is growing gradually. Linyi Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine adopts a very simple optical plan, which uniformly carries the wired/wireless/Internet of Things. PoE in room optical switches are deployed in the rooms to facilitate business expansion and access nearby, and avoid wasting hospital room resources due to network upgrade and transformation.

    ● Outpatient consulting room: In order to improve the efficiency of medical services and improve the patient's medical experience, frequent punching and wiring affect the medical business, while the use of Hub and fool switch will bring more trouble to the network stability and operation and maintenance. The hospital can quickly expand the access to the nearest indoor network by entering the room through the remote module of the nano tube. The loop self-healing and remote management can improve the operation and maintenance efficiency by 60%.

    ● Multiple medical scenarios: Jining Hospital of Xiyuan Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine adopted the minimalist solution to achieve access to nearly 30000 information points, provide business continuity guarantee for the full cycle health management before, during and after diagnosis, and promote the improvement of hospital service quality. 3500 all-optical indoor switches are deployed to facilitate flexible expansion of the access side; The floor gathers passives, and the whole hospital only needs to maintain 4 active weak current rooms to simplify operation and maintenance; Converge dual 100G links to achieve core 200G access to support the sustainable development of smart medicine.

    The innovation of the minimalist Ethernet all-optical 3. X solution, the development of Ethernet color light technology and the introduction of innovative new products will promote a new round of upgrading of the smart park network. Ruijie Network will also continue to iterate through the minimalist Ethernet all-optical solution, create more innovative and more scene oriented network solutions and products for enterprise customers, and give technical impetus to the digital and intelligent process of various industries.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Ruijie Network Releases the Minimal Ether All Optical 3. X Scheme, Ether Colorful Light Leading the Innovation Road of the Park All Optical Network true report seven thousand and eighty-one On the afternoon of April 25, 2024 (Beijing time), Ruijie Network held a press conference in Beijing with the theme of "more than light", officially releasing the minimalist Ethernet all-optical 3. X solution. For enterprise level park application scenarios such as education, medical care, office and intelligent manufacturing, the minimalist 3. X solution adopts the deployment mode of all-optical interconnection, continues to carry forward the advantages of Ethernet color light technology, and provides minimalist connection for park network customers
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