
    Aginode Aginono: Value added services throughout the life cycle ensure high-quality delivery of project construction

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Song Shipeng

    With the rapid development of science and technology, generic cabling system, as an important carrier to ensure reliable and efficient transmission of communication and network data, is increasingly used in data centers, buildings, network infrastructure and other fields.

    For users, the longer the service life of the generic cabling system, the smaller the investment cost.

    Aginode Aginode (the original Nexans communication system) has always truly implemented the 25 year warranty, as one of the brand's core values - the embodiment of "keeping promises", and with a perfect after-sales service system and strong service capabilities, it ensures the realization of this goal.

    Localized services provide customers with worry free experience

    Aginode Aginode has always pursued a localization strategy to be closer to customers and fully ensure that customers can access the company's innovative technology, high-quality products, perfect solutions and efficient service response anytime and anywhere. At the same time, Aginode Aginode focuses on improving the service awareness of the whole team, urging team members to think about problems from the perspective of customers, and actively finding the actual pain points of customers, so as to better help customers solve various problems.

    Aginode Aginode has not only built a professional and experienced team by providing localized services, but also established a perfect service system relying on the advantages of production and supply chain, and deployed professional technical support teams nationwide, fully ensuring that customers can obtain professional and efficient service support in a timely manner.

    At the same time, Aginode Aginode also continues to expand the depth of service to provide customers with a worry free experience. The "engage service plan" is a value-added service to enhance product value and customer experience. In the project "plan, define, design, deploy, use" phase, it provides customers with value-added service management throughout the project life cycle to ensure that customers can obtain better product application experience.

     Aginode Aginono: Value added services throughout the life cycle ensure high-quality delivery of project construction

    Participation in the whole process to ensure high-quality delivery of project construction

    Due to the complexity of the generic cabling system, the construction deployment of the project is very critical, involving various technical details. These details will have an impact on the implementation of the overall project and the future system operation. Therefore, the installation and deployment of the generic cabling system have high requirements for the professional level of the construction team. At the same time, after the installation and deployment is completed, strict tests should be carried out according to the corresponding standards and specifications.

    In this regard, Aginode Aginode guarantees the whole process of project construction and high-quality delivery by providing "construction supervision services". "Construction supervision service" is based on the efficient service provided in multiple links during the installation and deployment phase, which can bring a variety of value experiences to the customer's project construction.

    Aginode Aginode's technical team started to intervene in the project construction and after-sales service process from the product delivery stage, arrived at the first time, made comprehensive preparations for the system installation and deployment, and carried out in-depth design for the requirements of specific customers such as the data center. At the same time, Aginode Aginode will provide the construction party with comprehensive installation information, and analyze the product performance, laying, and module termination precautions in detail. In the process of installing cabinets on the system, Aginode Aginode Aginode will provide detailed drawing design according to the special requirements of some customers, cooperate with the construction party to complete the overall layout design, and give guidance in the process of line management.

    Test support ensures a 25 year commitment

    During the whole construction process, Aginode Aginode Aginode will also regularly spot check the construction quality on site to eliminate various problems and hidden dangers in time. Not only that, Aginode Aginode also actively participated in the system test work, and provided Aginode Aginode Aginode 25 year warranty certificate after all test reports met the standard.

     Aginode Aginono: Value added services throughout the life cycle ensure high-quality delivery of project construction

    It can be said that testing is the "touchstone" for inspecting the construction quality and system installation and deployment. Aginode Aginode attaches great importance to this, and provides professional support for connecting upstream and downstream by actively participating in the testing work. For example, in a large domestic state-owned bank project, the customer put forward high requirements for testing. Aginode Aginode Aginode cooperated with the construction party in the whole process of testing, overcame various difficulties such as tight construction period, and finally successfully completed all tests to achieve the expected goals.

    It is obvious that Aginode Aginode has realized its value commitment to customers comprehensively and truly by providing differentiated services while providing customers with leading solutions.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Aginode Aginono: Value added services throughout the life cycle ensure high-quality delivery of project construction true report two thousand five hundred and sixty-three With the rapid development of science and technology, generic cabling system, as an important carrier to ensure reliable and efficient transmission of communication and network data, is increasingly used in data centers, buildings, network infrastructure and other fields. For users, the longer the service life of the generic cabling system, the smaller the investment cost. Aginode Aginode (the original Nexans communication system) always regards the 25 year warranty as
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