
    See that science and technology unite with Zhejiang University and Nail to build AI interactive smart classroom, enabling full scene teaching

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: eleven

    On April 20, the 2024 conference on digital development of higher education with the theme of "digital intelligence education, leading the future" was held in Hangzhou. On the occasion of the grand opening of this conference, we saw the sparrow eagle nail series AI 360 ° jointly created by technology and nails Videoconferencing The all-in-one machine appeared in the future classroom of Zhejiang University, attracting the observation and experience of many university informatization experts from all over the country.

     See that science and technology unite with Zhejiang University and Nail to build AI interactive smart classroom, enabling full scene teaching

     See that science and technology unite with Zhejiang University and Nail to build AI interactive smart classroom, enabling full scene teaching

    (See the powerful AI performance of the flagship version of the sparrow hawk nail introduced by Cao Hong, director of technology and business)

    In this activity, we saw the flagship version of the sparrow hawk nail co named by technology and nail nail—— Kandao Meeting Ultra , with its outstanding features and powerful functions. This 4K AI 360 ° video conference all-in-one machine integrates panoramic camera, high fidelity speaker, omnidirectional microphone and the latest version of nail rooms, which can easily open online teaching in one machine. The design of the double-sided touch screen makes the classroom control more convenient. At the same time, it integrates 4KHDR panoramic acquisition and AI audio noise reduction to ensure that images and sounds can be clearly captured.

    In addition, Kandao Meeting Ultra is also equipped with advanced AI intelligent algorithms, so that teachers or students can be accurately identified and tracked even if they walk in the process of speaking. It is suitable for group meetings, academic conferences and other teaching discussion scenarios, so that remote participants can be present and deeply participate in the discussion.

     See that science and technology unite with Zhejiang University and Nail to build AI interactive smart classroom, enabling full scene teaching

    In large classrooms or conference rooms of schools, it is often difficult to achieve simple and efficient collaboration due to the variety of systems and equipment. However, the multi computer collaboration system composed of multiple flagship versions of the sparrow hawk nail ingeniously solved this problem, innovatively integrating multiple AI 360 ° video conferencing all-in-one machines, covering a wider range of image, sound acquisition and AI processing, realizing simultaneous real-time recording of multi screen voice and text, and providing a more immersive and participatory teaching experience, It provides a perfect solution for the group interactive discussion in the big classroom.

     See that science and technology unite with Zhejiang University and Nail to build AI interactive smart classroom, enabling full scene teaching

    (The future classroom of Zhejiang University shows the deployment of Kandao Meeting series conference machines)

    We have seen that science and technology, together with Zhejiang University and Nail, have closely cooperated in teaching scenarios and applications, and are committed to exploring more cutting-edge and high-quality teaching programs. We have worked together to build AI interactive smart classrooms, highlighting the vision of the three parties in the field of smart education, and bringing new ideas and directions to smart education. Experts on the scene said that this scheme contains great potential for AI technology and education integration, and they look forward to further promotion and application in the future.

    At the moment when the education industry is accelerating the digital and intelligent transformation, we see that science and technology will also continue to develop and upgrade audio and video technologies and products, explore the application of diversified teaching scenarios, help schools to achieve digital upgrading in teaching interaction, education management and other aspects, and promote innovative development in the field of education with the power of science and technology.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: See that science and technology unite with Zhejiang University and Nail to build AI interactive smart classroom, enabling full scene teaching true report one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one On April 20, the 2024 conference on digital development of higher education with the theme of "digital intelligence education, leading the future" was held in Hangzhou. On the occasion of the grand opening of this conference, we saw the appearance of the AI 360 ° video conference all-in-one machine of the Queying nail series jointly built by science and technology and nails in the future classroom of Zhejiang University, attracting the observation and experience of many university informatization experts from all over the country. (See the Director of Technology and Business
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