
    Huawei Yang Chaobin: Embrace the intelligent era and accelerate the march towards high-level intelligent networks

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Xu Peng

    During MWC24 Barcelona, the international industry association TM Forum held the 2024 Smart Network Global Industry Summit with the theme of "Autonomous Networks L4 is Coming" on the 27th. Yang Chaobin, director of Huawei and president of ICT products and solutions, delivered a keynote speech "Embrace the intelligent era and accelerate the march towards high-level self intelligent networks".

     Huawei Yang Chaobin: Embrace the intelligent era and accelerate the march towards high-level intelligent networks
    Yang Chaobin, Director of Huawei and President of ICT Products and Solutions, delivered a keynote speech

    Since the TM Forum officially proposed self intelligent network in 2019, in just four years, self intelligent network has become the industrial consensus of the automation and intelligent upgrading of the communication industry. At present, many leading operators in the world have achieved L3 in key scenarios, and the value effect of intelligent networks is becoming increasingly significant. Yang Chaobin specially pointed out: "From L3 to L4 will be a change that will accelerate the leap of value. We will change the operation and maintenance mode by reshaping the interaction mode; reshape the system capability to improve the operation and maintenance efficiency; reshape the business process to improve the operation efficiency; reshape the integration mode to shorten the business TTM, and really help operators achieve the strategic goals of L4."

    Breakthroughs in key technologies are the basis for achieving L4 value leap. "The communication model is a key enabling technology for the development of intelligent networks from L3 to L4. Huawei's communication model can provide two types of application capabilities, namely, role-based Copilots and scenario based Agents, to help operators empower employees and improve user satisfaction."

    Yang Chaobin shared the application practice of the big model Net Master of Huawei and China Mobile in the Guangdong IP network operation and maintenance scenario at the meeting. Net Master has the ability of Copilot and Agent at the same time, which can support external operators and NOC operation and maintenance engineers to work efficiently, help the automation rate of fault diagnosis reach 90%, and shorten the fault location time from hours to minutes.

    Of course, technological breakthroughs are not enough. Yang Chaobin called on industry partners to work together and put forward proposals: the industry needs to further improve the ANF framework and build a unified evaluation system; Operators need to focus on talent transformation at the organizational level and strengthen process change; Manufacturers need to aim at key scenarios for expansion and innovation to enhance the commercial value of operators.

    L4 At that time, Huawei will actively create best practices in the communication model industry, help operators accelerate their progress towards L4 high-level self intelligent networks, and jointly promote high-quality network development!


    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Huawei Yang Chaobin: Embrace the intelligent era and accelerate the march towards high-level intelligent networks true report one thousand four hundred and nineteen During MWC24 Barcelona, the international industry association TM Forum held the 2024 Smart Network Global Industry Summit with the theme of "Autonomous Networks L4 is Coming" on the 27th. Yang Chaobin, director of Huawei and president of ICT products and solutions, delivered a keynote speech "Embrace the intelligent era and accelerate the march towards high-level self intelligent networks". Director of Huawei, President of ICT Products and Solutions
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