
    It is a perfect signal source analyzer series product of DeTec to meet the needs of wireless, radar and high-speed digital applications

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Xu Peng

    ·The integrated phase noise and signal source analysis solution extends the frequency to 26.5/44/54 GHz and higher, and has first-class phase noise sensitivity

    ·An integrated platform equipped with optional dual port vector network analyzer supports the evaluation of single port/dual port devices

    ·Clock jitter analysis Software It can provide convenient and in-depth jitter analysis for current and advanced high-speed digital applications

    A few days ago, DeTec launched three higher frequency SSA-X signal source analyzers (26.5 GHz, 44 GHz and 54 GHz), providing a powerful integrated analysis solution for phase noise and signal source for RF engineers engaged in cutting-edge wireless communication, radar and high-speed digital application analysis.

    Technology has been developing continuously, and new cutting-edge standards are emerging, so engineers need to use more accurate and cleaner signal sources for analysis and testing. The phase noise and jitter of these signal sources should be as low as possible to support higher frequency, larger data bandwidth and faster rate. Testing and evaluating the phase noise and jitter of these signal sources usually requires a variety of instruments, and the setup process is also very complex, time-consuming and labor-intensive. RF engineers also need to conduct other measurements, such as frequency and power transient measurements and spectrum analysis, in order to comprehensively characterize the performance of synthesizers, clocks, oscillators and other products. In addition, engineers may need to measure the residual phase noise of active devices in signal and data transmission paths.

    These new high-frequency models of Keysight SSA-X signal source analyzer series provide an integrated integration platform, which can output very clean signals through direct digital synthesis (DDS) sources and proprietary cross-correlation channels, thus helping engineers meet the challenges in these cutting-edge applications.

     It is a perfect signal source analyzer series product of DeTec to meet the needs of wireless, radar and high-speed digital applications
    New Keysight SSA-X Series Signal Source Analyzer

    These new Keysight SSA-X series signal source analyzers have the following advantages:

    ·Integrated solution - comprehensive signal source analysis can be provided with one instrument, including phase noise measurement, residual noise measurement, transient measurement, spectrum analysis, network analysis and voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) performance analysis. The built-in clean signal source operates at a frequency of up to 54 GHz and is equipped with dual RF inputs. Residual noise measurement can be performed without using other equipment or reconfiguring. Two LO output and IF input ports are combined with the new E5051AW phase noise measurement downconverter/phase discriminator of Shide Technology, which can measure millimeter wave phase noise at frequencies higher than 54 GHz. In addition, dual port vector network analyzer (VNA) can also be optionally configured, so there is no need to purchase VNA separately.

    ·Excellent phase noise sensitivity - The use of ultra-low phase noise internal LO and RF sources provides accurate measurement of absolute phase noise and residual phase noise.

    ·Equipped with flexible software, it is simple and easy to use - just a single connection, you can quickly complete multiple measurements through a simple and easy-to-use interface. Application software After enhancement, it can meet more measurement requirements, including spectrum analyzer function and accurate clock jitter analysis.

    ·Accurate clock jitter analysis provides accurate random jitter (RJ) and periodic jitter (PJ) measurements in the time and frequency domains. The sensitivity of SSA-X to measure jitter is 20% higher than that of SSA, reaching 2 femtoseconds at 10 GHz, which is suitable for advanced high-speed digital communication applications.

    Joe Rickert, Vice President and General Manager of High Frequency Measurement Center of SDK Technology, said, "SSA-X series signal source analyzer provides an integrated solution for RF engineers, which can provide phase noise and jitter measurement solutions for advanced communication and high-speed digital applications. The three newly launched models operate at a frequency of up to 54 GHz, enabling the SSA-X series to carry out more accurate and high-quality evaluation and accelerate the time to market of cutting-edge technology products. "

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: It is a perfect signal source analyzer series product of DeTec to meet the needs of wireless, radar and high-speed digital applications true report two thousand three hundred and fifty-nine ·The integrated phase noise and signal source analysis solution expands the frequency to 26.5/44/54 GHz and higher, and also has first-class phase noise sensitivity. The integrated platform with optional dual port vector network analyzer supports the evaluation of single port/dual port devices. Clock jitter analysis software can provide convenience In depth jitter analysis
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