
    Is a successful verification of 3GPP Release 16 16/32 channel transmitter performance enhancement test case

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Xu Peng

    ·This verification covers single and multiple precoding matrix indicator test cases, mainly for 16/32 channel transmitters operating in the frequency division duplex and time division duplex bands

    ·The first test cases for 3GPP Release 17 enhanced energy saving standard cover scenarios such as reduced network paging and extended discontinuous reception cycle of RedCap equipment

    ·At the 77th meeting of the consistency agreement working group held in Malaga, Spain, the German technology test case successfully passed the verification

    It is one of the first batch of 3GPP Rel-16 5G NR single and multiple precoding matrix indicator (PMI) test cases approved by German Technology, which can be used to test 16/32 channel transmitters operating in the frequency division duplex (FDD) and time division duplex (TDD) bands. This batch of test cases were validated at the 77th meeting of the Global Certification Forum (GCF) Conformance Protocol Working Group (CAG) hosted by DST in Malaga, Spain, in January. They are mainly used for DST 5G network simulation conformance test platform (TP168).

     Is a successful verification of 3GPP Release 16 16/32 channel transmitter performance enhancement test case
    Is a successful verification of 3GPP Release 16 16/32 channel transmitter performance enhancement test case

    The network based on 5G NR standard can support MIMO multi antenna technology, improve spectrum efficiency and enhance communication performance. In order to realize multi antenna system, the transmitter usually adopts enhanced precoding technology to map data to different transmission antennas. This enhanced precoding technology will select the best precoding from several precoding options based on the PMI codebook value reported by the terminal and the channel measurement results.

    The 3GPP Rel-16 standard adds a number of test cases to verify the performance of equipment in multi antenna systems. These new tests require a lot of fading resources to simulate the connection between 16/32 channel transmitters and user equipment (UE) with 2/4 receivers. The Keysight S8705A RF/RRM test solution was the first to pass the validation of these new test cases.

    Shide Technology has also made the following achievements to support Rel-17's enhanced energy-saving features and RedCap features:

    ·Through test case verification, it is confirmed that UE can reduce the number of interactions between devices and the network, and extend the battery life of devices using the S8705A RF/RRM test solution.

    ·Through test case verification, ensure that the RedCap device can support the extended discontinuous reception (eDRX) cycle added in the Rel-17 standard, that is, the time when the device stays in sleep mode to extend the battery life. This verification was completed using the Keysight S8704A protocol consistency test tool suite, and the RedCap Rel-17 eDRX GCF work item was activated.

    Muthu Kumaran, General Manager of the Equipment Verification Solution Business Unit of Sytec, said, "Enhancing the connection performance is the primary task for network operators to provide better service quality for end-users. NR can realize multi antenna system. Now, Sytec is pushing the approved test to the market, which will ensure that the equipment performance is fully tested. In addition, supporting the validation of Rel-17's enhanced energy-saving characteristics is crucial to promoting the development of 5G NR Rel-17 and promoting the market introduction of commercial 5G NR and RedCap equipment. "

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Is a successful verification of 3GPP Release 16 16/32 channel transmitter performance enhancement test case true report one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one ·This verification covers single and multiple precoding matrix indicator test cases, Mainly for 16/32 channel transmitters operating in the frequency division duplex and time division duplex frequency bands · The first test cases for the 3GPP Release 17 enhanced energy saving standard cover scenarios such as network paging reduction and the extension of the discontinuous reception cycle of RedCap equipment · The 7th session of the consistency protocol working group held in Malaga, Spain
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