
    OMEN Shadow Fairy 10 Measured the Delightful Fantasy Adventure Journey of Dragon's Creed 2

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: August 8

    The huge open world, rich professions, and immersive combat experience make players who like "Dragon's Creed 2" likely to brush their eyes for two weeks, or even three weeks, and still have a lot of fun. From the release of the game to the end of March, the sales of "Dragon's Creed 2" reached 2.62 million copies, with remarkable achievements. This 3A masterpiece of role playing and open world, OMEN Shadow Elf 10, high performance Gamebook Can it run smoothly? Let's have a look today.

     OMEN Shadow Fairy 10 Measured the Delightful Fantasy Adventure Journey of Dragon's Creed 2

    We have selected the OMEN Shadow Genie 10 ultra cost-effective version, that is, the core hardware is Intel Core i7-13650HX+ RTX The 4070 full blood video card sells for only 7799 yuan. This configuration and price is hardly the second one among the first tier brands. It is definitely a star product promoted by 618 this time!

    Specific hardware specifications and Software The version is as follows. In the process of the game, the Berserker mode and the unique direct link are enabled.

     OMEN Shadow Fairy 10 Measured the Delightful Fantasy Adventure Journey of Dragon's Creed 2

     OMEN Shadow Fairy 10 Measured the Delightful Fantasy Adventure Journey of Dragon's Creed 2

     OMEN Shadow Fairy 10 Measured the Delightful Fantasy Adventure Journey of Dragon's Creed 2

    1、 Game hardware requirements and test image quality

    As an open world game released in 2024, Dragon's Creed 2 has high requirements for hardware. According to the official system requirements, the recommended configuration is i7-10700+RTX 2080. More interestingly, it is mentioned in the notes that such a configuration can only be run at a frame rate of 30fps at 2160i. That is to say, the above configuration only supports the fluency of 30 frames in 2K. For PC players, 30 frames is obviously too low. If you want to have a smooth game experience, you need a higher hardware configuration of the game itself.

     OMEN Shadow Fairy 10 Measured the Delightful Fantasy Adventure Journey of Dragon's Creed 2

    OMEN Shadow Genie 10 is equipped with the full blood configuration of Intel Core i7-13650HX+RTX 4070, which has far exceeded the officially recommended i7-10700+RTX 2080 in theoretical performance. Moreover, the full blood feature of OMEN Shadow Fairy 10 can ensure that the core hardware can maintain full speed stability in the high load game scene, further improving the game experience.

     OMEN Shadow Fairy 10 Measured the Delightful Fantasy Adventure Journey of Dragon's Creed 2

    Based on the stronger hardware and full blood performance of OMEN Shadow Genie 10, the game test image quality is directly selected as high (only high and low are available), the resolution is selected as 2560x1440, the vertical synchronization is turned off, and the DLSS SUPER RESOLUTION is selected as the balance file.

     OMEN Shadow Fairy 10 Measured the Delightful Fantasy Adventure Journey of Dragon's Creed 2

    2、 Frame rate, power consumption and temperature curve analysis

    The game test route is from the original place to the border surveillance regiment camp, during which there are two battles. In the whole process, the game scene is relatively large, and the vision is very broad, which is representative. The following is the frame rate curve of the whole process.

     OMEN Shadow Fairy 10 Measured the Delightful Fantasy Adventure Journey of Dragon's Creed 2

    From the frame rate curve, we can see that the frame rate of the whole process is stable between 80-100 frames, and there is no obvious fluctuation. The average frame rate is 87 frames, which is no problem for a 3A game with high hardware requirements. In addition, no matter in the forward scene or the battle scene, the frame rate change is not particularly obvious, and it is very stable. Considering that players often encounter monsters in the process of exploration, the stable frame rate is very important for the game experience.

    Next, let's take a look at the power consumption curve of CPU and GPU in the whole process, from which we can find the reason why the OMEN Shadow Genie 10 frame rate is stable.

     OMEN Shadow Fairy 10 Measured the Delightful Fantasy Adventure Journey of Dragon's Creed 2

    The blue curve is the CPU power consumption curve, the green curve is the GPU power consumption curve, and the red curve is the sum of the two. It can be seen that the changes of the three are very small. The CPU power consumption is stable between 45-60W, and the average power consumption is 52W; The GPU power consumption is stable between 100-120W, with an average power consumption of 112W. Considering that the peak power consumption of RTX4070Laptop in actual operation is about 110W, Shadow Genie 10 basically guarantees the full speed operation of the graphics card. The average total power consumption of the two games is 164W. The actual game power consumption level is quite good, and the full blood release is achieved, which is also the main reason to ensure the stability of the game frame rate.

    Finally, let's take a look at the temperature curves of CPU and GPU during the whole process.

     OMEN Shadow Fairy 10 Measured the Delightful Fantasy Adventure Journey of Dragon's Creed 2

    The blue curve is CPU temperature The green curve is the GPU temperature curve. It can be seen that the core temperature control of GPU is very ideal. The whole process is almost a straight line, never exceeding 80 ℃, and the average temperature is only 79 ℃. The core temperature of the CPU is also not high. Although the fluctuation is more obvious than that of the GPU, the maximum temperature does not exceed 88 ℃, and the average temperature is only 80 ℃, almost the same as that of the GPU. Considering that the total power consumption of the two has reached 164W in the actual game process, this temperature control performance is quite eye-catching, which can be said to achieve perfect suppression. The excellent heat dissipation capability can ensure the stable and high frame rate of the game book even in the face of the coming summer heat.

    3、 Actual game subjective experience

    In the actual game process, we selected three more representative scenes, namely the forward scene, the battle scene and the indoor scene, and combined with the monitored data to talk about the actual game experience.

     OMEN Shadow Fairy 10 Measured the Delightful Fantasy Adventure Journey of Dragon's Creed 2

    In the forward scene, the player manipulates the character to move along the mountain path. The game screen will be broad and narrow at one time, but the game frame rate is relatively stable. When the perspective is broad, even though the picture contains mountains, trees, grass and other elements, and the scene is relatively grand, the overall game frame number can still be stabilized at about 89 frames, and the actual game fluency is very ideal. At this point, the sum of the CPU and GPU power consumption can be stabilized at about 166W, which is also the key to ensuring the stability of the frame number in the grand scene.

     OMEN Shadow Fairy 10 Measured the Delightful Fantasy Adventure Journey of Dragon's Creed 2

     OMEN Shadow Fairy 10 Measured the Delightful Fantasy Adventure Journey of Dragon's Creed 2

    In the battle scene, the fluctuation of the game frame rate is slightly obvious due to the large changes in the perspective during the process. When the scene is complex, the frame rate will drop to about 83 frames; When the perspective is switched to a relatively simple scene, the game frame rate can reach about 95 frames. Although the frame rate fluctuates, the fluctuation range is small, which has no impact on the actual game experience,.

     OMEN Shadow Fairy 10 Measured the Delightful Fantasy Adventure Journey of Dragon's Creed 2

    Compared with the previous two scenes, the indoor scene is relatively simple, and the field of vision is narrow, so the frame rate can be basically stable at about 92 frames at this time, and the smoothness is no problem at all. In this scenario, although the sum of the CPU and GPU power consumption remains above 160W, it can be seen that the CPU power consumption is 6-10W higher than that in the first two scenarios. It seems that the indoor scenario has higher requirements for the CPU.

    From the above three scenes, OMEN Shadow Fairy 10 can provide a stable and high frame rate, which is easy to immerse people in the exploration of the open world, whether it is a grand outdoor scene or a battle scene with a rapidly changing perspective. This mainly depends on the full power consumption of Shadow Genie 10, which ensures a very consistent game experience in different scenes.

     OMEN Shadow Fairy 10 Measured the Delightful Fantasy Adventure Journey of Dragon's Creed 2

    4、 Summary

    OMEN Shadow Sprite 10 can run the "Credo of the Dragon 2" in 2K high quality smoothly, and the game frame rate is kept at more than 80 frames, with considerable fluency. Moreover, due to the full power consumption, the fluctuation of game frame rate is very small, and it can provide a very consistent game experience in different game scenarios, which is crucial for an exploratory 3A game. Considering that the promotion price of OMEN Shadow Genie 10 of RTX 4070 in 618 is only 7799 yuan this time, with such strong game performance, it can be said that in terms of cost performance, it is definitely a game product worth focusing on in 618.

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    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: OMEN Shadow Fairy 10 Measured the Delightful Fantasy Adventure Journey of Dragon's Creed 2 true report four thousand two hundred and nineteen The huge open world, rich professions, and immersive combat experience make players who like "Dragon's Creed 2" likely to brush their eyes for two weeks, or even three weeks, and still have a lot of fun. From the release of the game to the end of March, the sales of "Dragon's Creed 2" reached 2.62 million copies, with remarkable achievements. Such a role playing and open world 3A masterpiece, OMEN Shadow Elf 10 high-performance game
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