
    Windows XP streaks for 2 minutes and is poisoned. It will be completely controlled soon

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: August 8

    I don't know how many users are still using Windows XP series. You have installed anti-virus software Is it? It was tested by a foreign netizen who virtual machine Windows XP system is installed in, and then is not installed Anti-Virus Software In the past few minutes, Windows XP has been poisoned.

     Windows XP streaks for 2 minutes and is poisoned. It will be completely controlled soon

    About 2 minutes later, Windows XP was poisoned, and there were more than one virus, including conhoz.exe. And there's a virus that turns Windows XP into FTP server , control was completely taken by hackers.

     Windows XP streaks for 2 minutes and is poisoned. It will be completely controlled soon

    Subsequently, netizens installed anti-virus software and finally detected 8 viruses. And considering that it uses free anti-virus software, it is exaggerated that a dozen viruses were detected after replacing the anti-virus software.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Windows XP streaks for 2 minutes and is poisoned. It will be completely controlled soon true report four hundred and seventy-five I don't know how many users are still using Windows XP series. Have you installed anti-virus software for your friends who are still using Windows XP? It was tested by a foreign netizen who installed Windows XP system in the virtual machine and then did not install anti-virus software. In the past few minutes, Windows XP has been poisoned. About 2 minutes later, Windows XP was poisoned, and there were more than one disease
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