
    [Slow hand] CUBE Kubi Rubik's cube GTBook15 Gen2 slim notebook computer 1149 yuan

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Zhishang Shalin

    #CUBE Cube GTBook15 Gen2 15.6 inch Flimsy edition Grey (Intel-N95, core video card, 4GB, quasi system, 2K, 60Hz)

    GTBook15 Gen2 launched by CUBE Frivolous notebook , has won the favor of consumers with its excellent performance and portability. This paragraph notebook Configured with Intel-N95 processor and 4GB memory, it can easily meet the requirements of multitasking. Its 15.6-inch 2K display and 60Hz refresh rate make the image clearer and smoother. In addition, the product is also equipped with a core graphics card, which can better support games and Video playback And other recreational activities.

    The current price of JD's product is 1299 yuan. If you place an order, you can participate in the discount activity of reducing 100 yuan from 999 yuan. Plus 50 yuan coupons, the paid in price is as low as 1149 yuan, providing users with an attractive price advantage. If you are looking for a slim and lightweight model with excellent performance and portability Notebook computer , then this CUBE Cube GTBook15 Gen2 is definitely worth your attention!

     Kubi Rubik's Cube GTBook 15 Gen2 N95

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    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [Slow hand] CUBE Kubi Rubik's cube GTBook15 Gen2 slim notebook computer 1149 yuan true report nine hundred and eighty-eight #CUBE Coobie Rubik's Cube GTBook15 Gen2 15.6-inch slim notebook gray (Intel-N95, core graphics card, 4GB, quasi system, 2K, 60Hz) The GTBook15 Gen2 slim notebook launched by CUBE Coobie Rubik's Cube has won consumers' favor with its excellent performance and portability. This laptop is equipped with an Intel-N95 processor and 4GB memory, which can easily meet the requirements of multitasking. Whose
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