
    Raytheon AIbook 15 will be launched soon with Oculank interface

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Wu Jiaqi

    Raytheon AIbook 15 has been launched on JD, which uses Intel Core Ultra7  Processor, with 32GB DDR5 memory, 1TB Solid state drives. It will be sold at 8:00 p.m. on May 10.

     Raytheon AIbook 15 will be launched soon with Oculank interface

    In terms of interfaces, Raytheon AIbook 15 has two USB-C interfaces, three USB-A interfaces, one 3.5mm headphone interface, one SD card slot, and one HDMI interface. One more Oculinink interface To connect the graphics card docking station.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Raytheon AIbook 15 will be launched soon with Oculank interface true report four hundred and forty-nine Raytheon AIbook 15 has been launched on JD. It uses Intel Core Ultra7 processor, 32GB DDR5 memory and 1TB solid state disk. It will be sold at 8:00 p.m. on May 10. In terms of interfaces, Raytheon AIbook 15 has two USB-C interfaces, three USB-A interfaces, one 3.5mm headphone interface, one SD card slot, and one HDMI interface. Division
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