
    Lenovo sent the first flower of spring, and the whole stack of intelligence accelerated every step of intelligent transformation

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: August 8

    two month four With the arrival of the Spring Festival, association two thousand and twenty-four The first brand video "Send You the First Flower of Spring" was launched online in. AIGC In the video screen “AI Flower In different intelligent scenes, it depicts the spring brought to the world by Lenovo's whole stack intelligence. The video not only presents the first flower of spring to people, but also brings the first warmth of the new year to thousands of people.

     Lenovo sent the first flower of spring, and the whole stack of intelligence accelerated every step of intelligent transformation

    At present, the world is facing unprecedented changes. AI drive With the acceleration of industrial reform, a new turning point of the era has arrived. Driven by technological progress and the macro environment, the intelligent transformation of enterprises has come to a new stage of acceleration. Intelligent technology and business need to be integrated more comprehensively, thoroughly and quickly in order to further reduce costs and increase efficiency and enable enterprises to meet challenges.

    As a world leading technology enterprise, Lenovo is accelerating every step of enterprise intelligent transformation with a full stack intelligent layout: AI Embedded intelligent terminal, via One piece multi end The strategic layout of AI , while emphasizing privacy and security; AI Guided infrastructure, with a complete layout of general computing, scientific computing and intelligent computing AI Server AI On top of storage and other equipment, build a heterogeneous intelligent computing platform to create a stable and efficient solid base for enterprises; AI The original solution service starts from consulting and customizes the solution for the implementation of the large model according to the actual situation of the customer, and provides full cycle services to open up the industrial application of the large model Last kilometer

    Lenovo brand video “AI Flower Growing up in Lenovo AI Embedded intelligent terminal AI Oriented infrastructure and AI On the basis of the original solution services, it is blooming in thousands of households and thousands of businesses, bringing warmth and hope to everyone and every enterprise, and accelerating every step of intelligent transformation.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Lenovo sent the first flower of spring, and the whole stack of intelligence accelerated every step of intelligent transformation true report one thousand and ninety-four On February 4, with the arrival of the Spring Festival, Lenovo's first brand video "Send You the First Flower of Spring" in 2024 went online. In the AIGC video screen, the vibrant "flower of AI" blooms in different intelligent scenes, depicting the spring brought by Lenovo's entire stack of intelligence to the world. The video not only presents the first flower of spring to people, but also brings the first warmth of the new year to thousands of people. the moment...
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