
    Zero moment R9-6900HX mini host 1999 yuan

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: August 8

    The budget is 2000 yuan, so the zero hour SER6 mini host is recommended. This mini host is equipped with R9-6900HX. Although this processor does not use the Zen4 architecture, it is an R9 processor after all. Its performance is better than R7-6800H and R7-7735H, but its price is only 1999 yuan. This price is very valuable for R9-6900HX.

    The R9-6900HX has a good specification. It has 8 cores and 16 threads. Based on the Zen3+architecture, the maximum acceleration frequency can reach 4.9GHz. At zero moment, the 54W performance is released directly, which is sufficient for the R9-6900HX.

     Zero moment R9-6900HX mini host 1999 yuan

    Of course, the performance of the R9-6900HX is not as good as that of the R7-7840H, so the price of the mini host equipped with this processor will also be lower. If the performance requirements are not so high, and the budget may be stuck at 2000 yuan, then the zero quarter SER6 is very good.

     Zero moment R9-6900HX mini host 1999 yuan

    Considering that this is Quasi system , so additional memory and hard disk need to be installed, and the final price may be higher. In fact, the mini host equipped with R7-7840H is basically a quasi system at a lower price, with the lowest price of about 2300 yuan. The difference between the two prices is 300 yuan, depending on whether individuals can accept the difference.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Zero moment R9-6900HX mini host 1999 yuan true report nine hundred and nine The budget is 2000 yuan, so the zero hour SER6 mini host is recommended. This mini host is equipped with R9-6900HX. Although this processor does not use the Zen4 architecture, it is an R9 processor after all. Its performance is better than R7-6800H and R7-7735H, but its price is only 1999 yuan. This price is very valuable for R9-6900HX. "Limited Edition Hidden" Zero moment SER6 MAX 6900HX
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