
    How to choose the two popular configurations? Performance comparison between RTX4060 and RTX3060

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Supersuper

    With Nvidia's RTX With the introduction of Series 40 graphics cards, many people are choosing Gamebook They are always in trouble, especially for RTX 4060 and RTX 3060 models, These two graphics cards are very popular configurations. What are the differences between them and how should we choose them? This article will provide you with valuable reference suggestions through performance comparison analysis.

    In the Time Spy test, the comprehensive score of the RTX 4060 is 10969, and the comprehensive score of the RTX 3060 is 8306, which is 30% higher than the score of the RTX3060. The data improvement is very obvious. At the same time, in the Fire Strike test, the score of RTX 4060 was 26931, and the score of RTX 3060 was 21256, increasing by 27%. In general, the RTX4060 has a better energy efficiency ratio..

     How to choose the two popular configurations? Performance comparison between RTX4060 and RTX3060

    The following is the theoretical performance part. After testing, the score of this generation of mobile terminal 4060 is basically the same as that of the previous generation 3070, but both the actual game experience and power consumption are much higher than that of the previous generation. I chose two hardware killer level games, Wilderness Escort 2 and Cyberpunk 2077, for testing. You can feel the strength of this generation of 4060 game books.

    First, the representative of the traditional raster rendering, The Wild Dart 2, has a resolution of 2560 * 1440 and the preset image quality is at its full.

     How to choose the two popular configurations? Performance comparison between RTX4060 and RTX3060

    In the DLSS modes of Off, Auto, Quality and Balance, the following scores are obtained by using the built-in evaluation test of the game:

     How to choose the two popular configurations? Performance comparison between RTX4060 and RTX3060

    As you can see, the difference between the quality and balance modes is not large, only about 5 frames. The maximum number of automatic frames can reach 84.85, more than 20 frames higher than that of off mode. Even without DLSS, the average performance of 60 frames can be achieved by using only the built-in Time Linear Anti aliasing (TAA). Smooth play is not a problem at all.

    Two years after its release, Cyberpunk 2077 is still one of the strongest hardware killers. In the update at the beginning of the year, the PC version of Cyberpunk 2077 added support for DLSS 3 and NVIDIA Reflex. When we enter the game, we still use the default resolution of 2560 * 1440. In full screen mode, we directly choose to apply the default ray tracing: super screen settings, and still only adjust DLSS.

     How to choose the two popular configurations? Performance comparison between RTX4060 and RTX3060

    It is still the benchmark test of the game itself, and the results are as follows:

     How to choose the two popular configurations? Performance comparison between RTX4060 and RTX3060

    It is not difficult to see that this generation of 4060 graphics card shows a very amazing strength level. When DLSS 3 is turned on, even the lowest quality mode, the frame number is about 3 times that when DLSS 3 is turned off, and players do not need to adjust the image quality options one by one. 2K resolution is the highest without brain pulling. It is quite powerful to turn on DLSS3 directly.

    Purchase suggestions: Although the performance of the RTX 4060 has improved, the price is higher than that of the RTX 3060. Therefore, if you have high requirements for the smoothness of the game, or want to get a longer battery life, then choosing the RTX 4060 is a wise choice. However, if you pay more attention to cost performance, or do not have high requirements for the smoothness of the game, then the RTX 3060 is also a good choice.

    High cost performance RTX4060 game book recommendation:

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: How to choose the two popular configurations? Performance comparison between RTX4060 and RTX3060 true report two thousand three hundred and thirty-seven With the launch of Nvidia's RTX 40 series graphics cards, many people are entangled in choosing game books, especially for the RTX 4060 and RTX 3060 models. These two graphics cards are very popular configurations. So, what are the differences between them and how should we choose them? This article will provide you with valuable reference suggestions through performance comparison analysis. In the Time Spy test, RT
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