
    The price difference between i7-12700H and R7-6800H game books of the same brand is 600 yuan. Who should choose

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Large V

    It's the shopping season at the beginning of school, which is known to all Game Notebook It is the most popular. Recently, the author found that there is a typical problem that many student users pay attention to. I want to talk with you at this critical moment.

    What is this problem? In short, how to choose the game models of Intel platform and AMD platform when other elements are almost the same. Taking HP Omen Shadow Genie 8 Pro as an example, the 12 generation Core i7-12700H processor and AMD R7-6800H have two versions with basically the same other elements. The price is 8399 yuan and 7799 yuan respectively, and the price difference is 600 yuan. Many consumers are still hesitant about who to choose. They have checked a lot of information and still have no answer. In response to this question, Today we will give you a final result from both theory and practice.

    Theoretical value PK of Core i7-12700H and R7-6800H

    The theoretical level is naturally the score data of the two processors. In order to let you see the gap between the two processors more intuitively, the author has specially made a table for your reference. For consumers in front of the screen, there is no need to understand the specific meaning of each item in detail, just know that the larger the number, the better.

     These details must be understood when comparing the Sharp Dragon 6000 with the 12 generation Core

    From the test results, except for the CINEBENCH R15 single core, Intel's 12th generation Core i7-12700H processor is almost the same as the Sharp Dragon 7 6800H. Among the other 12 test results, one test performance leads by 49.79%, five test performance leads by more than 20%, and five test performance leads by more than 10%.

    In a word, the 12th generation Core i7-12700H has reached the level of compaction for the Reelon 7 6800H in terms of single core, multi-core, video coding, physical rendering and other performance. The power of Intel's heterogeneous hybrid architecture is fully demonstrated.

    Core i7-12700H and R7-6800H game performance PK

    After the theoretical data, it is natural to show the difference between the two models through real measurement. Except for the different processors, the other parts of the two models are identical, so the measurement of the game part is objective and fair.

    In the game test part, we selected two popular games, Eldon Fahuan and Ares.

    Actual measurement of Alden Ring

    This game is set for 60 frames of ancestral locks. However, the main reason why this game is used as a test game is that the number of game frames is very unstable due to optimization problems, which is an excellent condition for testing processor performance.

    The processor is as important to the game experience as the graphics card. A processor that is stable enough to provide higher frequency can make the game frame number run more stable, and can also increase the minimum frame number. If a sudden frame drop occurs during the game, the processor performance will be stronger Gamebook Relatively speaking, the picture is smoother.

     Running points, application of temperature and three-way rolling of the Ruilong give me a reason not to buy the 12th generation Core game book

    During the test, we set the game's image quality to the highest, 1920 × 1080 resolution, and adjusted it to full screen mode. In order to maintain the principle of fairness, we chose the same route for this test: starting from the birth point, we ran all the way to the door of Stoneville City to take a ride, then walked the right side path to bypass Stoneville City, and finally arrived at the key taking place of the School of Magic and Magic. The distance was about 30 minutes. We analyzed the average number of frames, fluctuations of frames And average processor temperature Software Record and finally see the difference between the i7-12700H and R7 6800H.

    The test results are as follows:

     Running points, application of temperature and three-way rolling of the Ruilong give me a reason not to buy the 12th generation Core game book

    From the actual test, we can see that the average game frame number of the i7-12700H is 60fps. From the fluctuation line of the frame rate below, the overall frame number is relatively stable. However, after all, the optimization problem of the Eldon Loop has not been solved, so we can see the obvious frame drop.

    In addition, during the 28 minute run, the average temperature of the i7-12700H processor was only 75 ℃, with an average occupancy rate of 17%; The average temperature of the graphics card is 74 ℃, and the occupancy rate is 48%.

     Running points, application of temperature and three-way rolling of the Ruilong give me a reason not to buy the 12th generation Core game book

    Then look at the performance of R7 6800H. The average frame number is 59 fps. During the whole process, the fluctuation line of frame number is very obvious. In the actual game process, the frame drop will be more obvious and frequently felt. In addition, the average temperature of R7 6800H processor is as high as 85 ℃, with an occupancy rate of 46%; The average temperature of the graphics card is 80 ℃, and the occupancy rate is up to 72%.

     Running points, application of temperature and three-way rolling of the Ruilong give me a reason not to buy the 12th generation Core game book

    It is easy to see from the test results that the i7-12700H platform has great advantages in game frames and heat dissipation performance. In particular, in terms of processor and graphics card occupancy, the 12th generation Core platform is simply "twice the result with half the effort", and its overall energy efficiency performance is much higher than that of the Ruilong 7 6800H platform.

    Actual measurement of Ares

    The second test game is Sony PS The PC version of Zhanshen, the classic masterpiece of the platform, has relatively high requirements for hardware performance. Although there are also some optimization problems, it has been adjusted well enough in general. During the test, we set the game's image quality to the highest, with a resolution of 1920 × 1080. Let's see the test results of this game on two platforms.

     Running points, application of temperature and three-way rolling of the Ruilong give me a reason not to buy the 12th generation Core game book

     Running points, application of temperature and three-way rolling of the Ruilong give me a reason not to buy the 12th generation Core game book

    The performance of the 12th generation Core i7-12700H platform is still familiar. The average frame number is 77 fps. The frame rate fluctuation during the game is very stable. Only at the beginning, because the setting interface is called out, there is an obvious frame number fluctuation. In other times, the frame number fluctuation is relatively small.

    During the game, the average temperature of the processor is 72 ℃, the occupancy rate is 60%, and the average temperature of the graphics card is 83 ℃, the occupancy rate is 99%.

     Running points, application of temperature and three-way rolling of the Ruilong give me a reason not to buy the 12th generation Core game book

    The average frame number of R7 6800H platform is only 65fps, 12fps lower than that of i7-12700H platform. The frame number fluctuation is slightly higher than that of the 12th generation Core platform, but the actual difference is not too big (Note: one of the frames reached 286fps due to the call out of the setup screen during the test of the 12th generation Core platform, which also caused the fluctuation line of the Reelung platform to be more uneven visually, in fact, the difference between the two is not too big, because the game Ares mainly depends on GPU resources),

    In addition, during the game, the average temperature of the processor is 76 ℃, with an occupancy rate of 55%, and the average temperature of the graphics card is 83 ℃, with an occupancy rate of 98%.

     Running points, application of temperature and three-way rolling of the Ruilong give me a reason not to buy the 12th generation Core game book

    From the test results, we can see that the consumption of Ares on GPU resources is quite obvious. However, the 12th generation Core platform still leads the Sharp Dragon 7 6800H platform in frame performance. In addition, in terms of occupancy rate, the average occupancy rate of the Sharp Dragon 7 6800H is lower than that of the i7-12700H, but the temperature is 4 ℃ higher, and the heat dissipation pressure is relatively higher.


    From the perspective of final measurement, it is recommended that you try to choose the 12th generation Core. Although the price difference is 600 yuan, objectively speaking, it is worthwhile to spend 600 yuan more. On the whole, the 12th generation Core has excellent overall energy efficiency performance, and the overall temperature control is better when the processor occupancy is low; When the processor utilization is higher than that of other platforms, the temperature can also be controlled to an ideal state. At the same time, with the help of high frequency, high Rui frequency characteristics, and rich instruction sets, it has brought a better performance experience in games, video rendering, physical rendering and other aspects.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The price difference between i7-12700H and R7-6800H game books of the same brand is 600 yuan. Who should choose true report four thousand nine hundred and four It's just the beginning of the school shopping season. It's known that the game notebook is the most popular in the beginning of the school shopping season over the years. However, in the problem that many student users pay attention to, the author recently found that there is a very typical problem. I want to talk with you at this juncture. What is this problem? In short, when other elements are almost the same
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