
    [180 long measurement] OMEN Shadow Genie 8 game book: temperature measurement and thermal structure analysis

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Stone cloth

    Previously, we analyzed the configuration performance of OMEN Shadow Genie 8: Intel 12 generation Core processor+NVIDIA RTX30 series graphics card, which has improved the performance as well as the overall power consumption, which poses a certain challenge to the cooling of the machine. In this issue, we comprehensively analyze the heat dissipation of OMEN Shadow Genie 8 from the perspective of actual heat dissipation test and fan disassembly.

     [180 long measurement] OMEN Shadow Genie 8 game book: temperature measurement and thermal structure analysis

    1、 Heat dissipation test

    ·CPU single toaster test

    Under the HWINFO64CPU pressure test, the temperature of 14 cores of the processor is between 82 ℃ and 93 ℃, the power consumption is stable at 90.81W, the frequency of P core is stable at 3.72GHz, and the frequency of E core is stable at 2.94Ghz. From the perspective of release and core temperature, OMEN Shadow Genie 8 still performs well, the processor performance has been fully released, and the core temperature can be controlled at a very good level, with good overall cooling performance.

    ·GPU single roaster test

    The GPU single baking machine test showed that under the Furmark2560x1440 resolution, the GPU power consumption released 115.15W, reaching the optimal state of 115WRTX 3070 Ti power consumption, while the GPU temperature was only 74 ℃, with excellent heat dissipation performance.

    ·CPU+GPU double toaster test

    Under the test of CPU+GPU double baking machine, the processor core temperature is 88 ℃ - 94 ℃, and the core frequency is stable at 2.89GHz. At this time, the GPU temperature is 77 ℃, and the CPU+GPU power consumption release reaches about 55W+115W. Both of them have sufficient performance release, which can bring good performance experience to players.

    ·Actual fuselage temperature test

    When Cyberpunk 2077 is set to 2K resolution, we also tested the fuselage temperature one hour after turning on ultra-high image quality and light tracing.

    The somatosensory temperature of the WASD keyboard area is 39.6 ℃.

    The somatosensory temperature of keyboard area "H" is about 42.5 ℃.

    The temperature of the central heat sink of plane D is about 60.7 ℃.

    It is easy to see from the above data that the heat dissipation performance of OMEN Shadow Genie 8, whether Software The test and body feel temperature all performed well. Next, let's take a look at the heat dissipation structure of OMEN Shadow Sprite 8 through actual disassembly.

    2、 Disassembly analysis

    On the D side of OMEN Shadow Genie 8, we can see that there are no screws hidden under the foot pad. There are only four screws on the top and four screws on the bottom. There are eight screws in total, two sizes. The top four are longer, and the bottom four are shorter, with fewer numbers and types. It is not difficult to reassemble.

    Open the cover of side D, and first look at the combination of the cooling module, double fans+four heat pipes+large area soaking plate. Two 8mm main heat pipes run through the CPU and GPU. The GPU has an additional 6mm heat pipe to connect the cooling fin and air outlet on the left side of the fuselage, and a heat pipe is hidden for video storage and power cooling.

    Of course, strong hardware performance should be controlled by an excellent cooling system. That is to say, OMEN Shadow Genie 8 adopts cool storm cooling technology, with two in three out five air ducts+four heat pipes design. Among them, double 8mm main heat pipes can quickly transmit heat to fins, and can quickly discharge core heat with 12V three-phase motor. The liquid bearing design, together with a maximum of 97 high-density low-noise fans, can bring efficient and quiet cooling effect, ensuring the stable release of the body performance.

    From the perspective of disassembly, OMEN Shadow Genie 8 has not shrunk in terms of heat dissipation of the body. Through the built-in four heat pipes, reasonable layout and high-density fins, the heat dissipation capacity of the whole machine is excellent. Use the fuselage space as much as possible to optimize the heat dissipation performance and give play to the heat dissipation capacity of this set of molds.

    3、 Summary

    OMEN Shadow Genie 8 has continued its excellent heat dissipation design to ensure the stable release of the body performance and a cool experience. From our actual test, OMEN Shadow Genie 8 can give consideration to the first-class performance release and excellent heat dissipation performance notebook The market is extremely rare. If you're right Game Notebook The heat dissipation of OMEN has a high pursuit, so OMEN Shadow Elf 8 will not let you down.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [180 long measurement] OMEN Shadow Genie 8 game book: temperature measurement and thermal structure analysis true report two thousand five hundred and three Previously, we analyzed the configuration performance of OMEN Shadow Genie 8: Intel 12 generation Core processor+NVIDIA RTX30 series graphics card, which has improved the performance as well as the overall power consumption, which poses a certain challenge to the cooling of the machine. In this issue, we comprehensively analyze the heat dissipation of OMEN Shadow Genie 8 from the perspective of actual heat dissipation test and fan disassembly. 1、 Heat dissipation test · CPU single toaster test
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