
    One laptop to handle all HP Shadow Genie 6 experiences

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Li Fugang   |   Editor in charge: Li Nuo

    I am Flimsy edition Users, to be exact, are omnipotent users. The almighty book is also a thin book with unique features. At first, it was for the sake of work and life, but after using it, I found that the so-called omnipotent should be "capable of doing anything, but not good at doing anything". Rendering a video is stuck and slow; Play a game, hot and hard. Want one notebook To solve the problem of work and life, its performance and performance are required to be able to cope with more complex use needs. Once a scenario requires high performance, the drawbacks of thin and light books will emerge. For me, I prefer laptops with better performance. Recently experienced HP Shadow Genie 6 Only then did I realize that such products are needed to ensure the integrity of work and life.

     One laptop to handle all HP Shadow Genie 6 experiences

    HP Shadow Genie 6 Promotion Session: Click here

    01 The office uses shadow genie, which is suitable

    For office use Gamebook Are you not afraid of the boss's suspicion that you play games at work? To be honest, I'm not worried about HP Shadow Elf 6 in my hand. The appearance design of HP Shadow Genie 6 is quite different from that of the previous generation. The new generation of HP Shadow Genie 6 has become more square and introverted. Especially A-side, skin like coating even gives HP Shadow Elf 6 a high performance Business The feeling of. The overall design of HP Shadow Genie 6 has no obvious game features and can be well integrated into the office environment.

     One laptop to handle all HP Shadow Genie 6 experiences
    Intrinsic and low-key appearance

    In fact, in addition to the appearance, many features of HP Shadow Genie 6 are very suitable for office scenes. For example, the rotation axis of HP Shadow Genie 6 can make the opening and closing angle of the screen reach 180 °, which is very suitable for content sharing. Moreover, when the screen is at 180 °, it will not block the rear air outlet, which is commendable. In addition, Shadow Genie 6 has many interfaces and a long keyboard range... It's really comfortable for office work.

     One laptop to handle all HP Shadow Genie 6 experiences
    Rotating shaft, interface and keyboard are suitable for office work

    Of course, the most important thing is the performance. The HP Shadow Genie 6 I experienced has an i7-10750H+ RTX The core combination of 2060, let alone Office software It is also easy to cut 4K videos. Centralized use of my work Office Adobe Premiere And Media Encoder. Needless to say, Office can open documents at an extremely fast speed, no matter the size of the document, that is, click to have it. I say a more convincing one is 4K Video clips +Render.

    The thin and light version of 1080P video can only be enough, and we have to endure occasional stuttering. The special effects can't be too much, and the rendering will be even slower. I can't even imagine cutting 4K video. In contrast, HP Shadow Genie 6 has obvious advantages. Let me take a video material as an example. Four 4K, 30 frame, 70Mbps video clips with a capacity of up to 124GB can be simply cut into one video track and added with several transition animations. Although this video sequence is relatively simple, it is a great test for 4K encoding and decoding capabilities, data stream processing capabilities, etc. When I used HP Shadow Genie 6 to cut, I didn't get stuck at all. I dragged the progress bar at will, pointing at where to hit. You can see by comparison.

     One laptop to handle all HP Shadow Genie 6 experiences
    4K video clip

       Adobe Premiere The real-time preview of is a performance test. I set the real-time preview resolution to complete and play the edited sequence directly. What is the pressure of this operation? The thin and light notebook was killed directly. Like a slide show, even the high-end business notebook equipped with the GTX 1650 is stuck with the naked eye. HP Shadow Genie 6 has 30 frames, which is too stable. At this time, the processor and graphics card are not fully loaded. I can even do something else. This is hardware crushing!

     One laptop to handle all HP Shadow Genie 6 experiences
    Real time preview frame rate comparison

    The same is true for rendering. It took only 23 seconds for HP Shadow Genie 6 to render this sequence into a 4K, 30 frame, 20Mbps video. If you are thin, you can't tell the time. Maybe you can play a game Glory of Kings

     One laptop to handle all HP Shadow Genie 6 experiences
    4K video rendering

    This is an extreme example I gave, but it can well reflect the advantages of HP Shadow Genie 6 in work. The low-key appearance coupled with strong performance can significantly improve work efficiency, and even make me leave work early.

    02 Play games, and it's over

    No boy doesn't like playing games. I am also a member of the players. Although there is not enough time to play games after work, it is OK to relax after work. Creating the ultimate game experience is an old line of HP Shadow Elf 6, and the sense of body is not bad.

     One laptop to handle all HP Shadow Genie 6 experiences
    Professional game book

    I'm a Buddhist player. I don't want to improve my skills, but just have fun. Recently, I have been following League of Heroes HP is also the sponsor of the summer competition. I will play a game of lol on the spur of the moment. Of course, in addition to League of Heroes, I also like to play some 3A masterpieces, which belong to the level of "slightly understanding".

    Although my game level is average, the game experience of HP Shadow Genie 6 is very good, mainly reflected in two aspects: high frames and stable frames.

    It's easy to understand the high frame number. After all, the hardware specification of HP Shadow Genie 6 is already very strong, and running 3A masterpiece is not a problem. For example, I immediately prepared the Tomb Raider: Shadow for four brushes, which achieved an average of 90 frames under 1080P and high quality. At the same time, the refresh rate of the screen has reached 144Hz, high refresh rate+high frames, which is the correct posture for playing games.

     One laptop to handle all HP Shadow Genie 6 experiences
    Tomb Raider: Shadow

    It is easy to understand that the frame number is stable. I was most worried about sudden frame drop when playing the game, but I never encountered frame drop when I played the game with HP Shadow Genie 6. In fact, the Shadow Sprite series has always had this good tradition. In addition to the sufficient hardware performance, the main reason is also the frenzy mode. HP Shadow Genie 6 has a built-in Rage Mode 2.0, and the frame number is particularly stable after it is turned on. Take it 3DMark Generally speaking, the results of the Time Spy stress test run by the game book are relatively unattractive, because the results are extremely strict, with 20 cycles. Only when the frame rate stability reaches 97% or more can the game book pass. Many game books hover around 95%. HP Shadow Genie 6's performance was amazing. When the rage mode was started, the performance directly reached 98.9%, which was quite stable.

     One laptop to handle all HP Shadow Genie 6 experiences
    Frenzy Mode 2.0

     One laptop to handle all HP Shadow Genie 6 experiences
    Time Spy Stress Test

    It is foreseeable that HP Shadow Genie 6 has an excellent game experience. After all, the Shadow Genie series is dedicated to game books, and its technology is quite good.

    03 One second switch between work and life

    After a day's work, I came home and took out HP Shadow Genie 6. It was really cool to switch between work and life in one second. Some friends may ask, are you not tired of running back and forth every day? To be honest, I'm not very tired, because the weight and thickness of HP Shadow Genie 6 are well controlled. I specifically weighed that the bare weight of the HP Shadow Genie 6 with i7+RTX2060 configuration in my hand is 2.09kg, while the weight of my own all-purpose lightweight laptop is 1.67kg. In fact, the difference between them is about 400g, equivalent to two iPhone 11 Pros. For male compatriots, the weight difference is not obvious when carrying to work.

     One laptop to handle all HP Shadow Genie 6 experiences
    HP Shadow Genie 6

    In addition to the completely acceptable weight, the thickness of Shadow Fairy 6 is also excellent. The thickest part of the configuration in my hand is 22.9mm, and the configuration of GTX1650/1650Ti even reaches the thickest part of 22.5mm. It is easy to put it into the backpack. The most important thing is that it solves the problem I encounter without significantly increasing my burden - the performance of the light and thin notebook used for office work is not enough, which is what I attach great importance to. If you need high performance in a certain scene of your work or life, HP Shadow Genie 6 is really a good choice.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: One laptop to handle all HP Shadow Genie 6 experiences // true // report four thousand seven hundred and sixty-nine I am a thin and light user, or rather a versatile user. The almighty book is also a thin book with unique features. At first, it was for the sake of work and life, but after using it, I found that the so-called omnipotent should be "capable of doing anything, but not good at doing anything". Rendering a video is stuck and slow; Play a game, hot and hard. If you want a laptop to handle work and life, you need its performance and
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