Dongguan Baby Clothing Wholesale Clothing Wholesale

2016-07-26 10:40:54   Source: China Franchise Network   4779 people participated
  • Business Scope: Clothing
  • Number of stores: 200
  • Single store investment: 5~10 ten thousand
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Dongguan Baby Garment Wholesale Co., Ltd., established in May 2004, is an entity that independently develops, designs, plans, produces, sells and serves women and babies' clothing and supplies. Little ice bear "The brand originates from France. Based on the accumulation of years of brand operation, it has a sound commodity foundation and qualified market reputation. Adhering to the brand design concept of" sunshine, liveliness, fashion, and loveliness ", it is strongly promoted to the market at a moderate price.

Since "Little Ice Bear" was launched as the company's main brand in July 2006, after a new positioning, it has continued the original advantages of the company's brand operation for many years. Dongguan Baby Clothing Wholesale has expanded more than 160 market counters or stores in domestic first and second tier cities in a short time of six months, and has achieved qualified economic benefits in various stores, The factory is praised by consumers and dealers.

At present, the "Little Ice Bear" Dongguan baby clothing wholesale brand is maintaining a rapid development momentum and rapidly entering the domestic market. If you are ambitious to have a career of your own, want to engage in a fast-growing industry, and are looking for a good brand, please contact us, we will carefully answer your questions, share our experience, and look forward to your joining.

label: Baby chain brand joining How much does it cost to join the baby store Baby clothes franchise
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