BUSINE menswear spring/summer 2018 has been launched!

2018-04-11 17:24:51   Source: China Franchise Network   6661 people participated
  • Business Scope: Men's Wear
  • Number of stores: 300
  • Single store investment: 5~10 ten thousand
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   After the Tomb Sweeping Day, the gentle breath of spring drifted across the river. Everyone took off their heavy winter clothes and put on relaxed and bright spring clothes. At this time of spring, many clothing brands have begun to fully distribute spring and summer clothing. BUSINE men's clothing , a very stylish men's clothing brand, the new products of spring and summer 2018 have also been presented in chain stores across the country, welcome to buy.

 BUSINE men's clothing

 BUSINE men's clothing

 BUSINE men's clothing

   Men's wear selection focuses on quality and style. In this regard, Bucini men's wear has always done very well, which is inseparable from its brand concept and brand positioning. BUSINE Men's Wear is a fashionable men's wear brand originating from the UK. Its product series does not attach importance to the luxurious and complicated external decoration, but pays more attention to the excavation of the internal quality of the product, the application of various natural and comfortable popular elements, and the integration of classic and fashion, characteristics and sports beauty into the product design.

   The main style of BUSINE men's clothing is simple but not simple, with a light and luxurious business atmosphere. In the Bucini men's clothing chain stores, you can find any dress style you want. Whether you prefer rigorous and familiar men's style, bad boy style, simple and comfortable style, fashionable and lively style... BUSINE Bucini men's clothing will give you an excellent dressing experience.

 BUSINE men's clothing

 BUSINE men's clothing

   This time BUSINE BUSINI Men's Wear Spring/Summer 2018 All the clothes in the new market continue the consistent fashion design style of BUSINI. Taking the gentleman style of London, England as the keynote, they are integrated with the current fashion elements, such as stripes, geometric figures, blue and white tones, etc., making the overall clothing elegant, sophisticated, fashionable and avant-garde, which makes it quite eye-catching.

   New market clothing series include: T-shirts, Polo shirts, shirts and so on, all carefully, every piece of high-quality products, welcome to rush to buy!

   If your age level is Between the ages of 25 and 55, if you are a business elite or urban white-collar worker who advocates freedom and frankness, or if you are a gentleman consumer with elegant taste, you may want to visit BUSINE Bucini men's clothing stores around the country to find your favorite clothing products.

   There are more than 300 BUSINE men's clothes in China, which are distributed in the prosperous business districts of major cities or in the counters of large shopping malls. For the specific store address, please leave a message below.

BUSINE men's clothing store, looking forward to your presence!

label: Collection of Men's Wear Brands Men's wear brand alliance
 Haoxin Kaidejin Men's Clothing
  • one thousand four hundred and ninety-five people Pay attention to men's clothing
  • eleven thousand seven hundred and fifty people Consulting men's clothing

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