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Your location: Nanchong Tourism Website > Nanchong Tourism Strategy > Nanchong Specialty >Preserved egg with pine blossom

Preserved egg with pine blossom     2006-11-23 Thank members for providing this information

Songhua preserved egg is a famous and special product of Nanchong. It adopts traditional natural raw material formula, without lead and harmful substances, and contains a variety of amino acids and sodium glutamate, which is weakly alkaline and nearly neutral. Nanchong Songhua preserved egg is of excellent quality. The egg body is easy to remove from the shell. The egg white is transparent and elastic. The pine blossom is obvious, just like the pine and cypress bonsai. The egg yolk is oily and slightly sugary. In recent years, it has created a new kind of "colorful songhua egg" with obvious red, orange, yellow, green, green and other colors between the egg layers, adding new varieties for grand banquets and craft recipes at home and abroad. In 1982, Nanchong Songhua Preserved Egg won the second place in the total score at the export food quality evaluation meeting held in Luojiang by the Chongqing Branch of the Commodity Inspection Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and the foreign trade system, and the first place in the Sichuan food system quality evaluation meeting. In 1984, the product was exported to the capital, known as "Jialing No.1 Preserved Egg". At present, the product is exported to Southeast Asia and other places as well as major cities in China.

I come to add local specialties of Nanchong

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