How much is the joining fee of Xingshi Tea

2024-05-22 16:37:11   Source: China Franchise Network   48 people participated
  • Business scope: milk tea
  • Number of stores: 100
  • Single store investment: 5~10 ten thousand
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Milk tea is a favorite drink for many young people. When shopping, milk tea is a drink for everyone. The development trend of milk tea is hot, which also attracts the attention of many entrepreneurs. The milk tea shop is very hot, and many young people come to visit it. The profit in the shop is also good. Xingshi Tea is a good brand. It has developed in many cities in China and its stores are popular. Many netizens are interested in this business opportunity and want to know how much is the joining fee of Star Food Tea?

 Xingshi Tea

How much is the joining fee of Xingshi Tea

Xingshi Tea is a chain tea brand in Wuhan. Founded in 2015, the company has developed chain stores in Hubei, Hainan, Shandong and other places. The brand is famous and attracts many repeat customers. There are abundant drinks in the shop of Xingshi Tea, including fruit tea, milk tea, coffee, etc. The quality of tea drinks is high, and the production of tea drinks is exquisite. It uses fresh fruits and imported milk. When joining the agency, the franchisee needs 50000 yuan of joining fee and 10000 yuan of deposit. When opening the store, not only that, but also the lease fee, decoration fee and equipment fee of the store. Different cities need different funds. The specific cost shall be subject to the actual situation. The headquarters of Xingshi Tea has rich experience in opening stores. It will quickly set up stores for franchisees, make opening plans, provide technical training, marketing and other services, so that franchisees can quickly start to operate, even without experience.

 Xingshi Tea

What is the market prospect of Xingshi tea

The tea quality of Xingshi Tea is trustworthy. The tea drinks are all made by strict matching. The tea drinks have good taste, and a wealth of single products are launched. Keeping up with fashion, the products are updated quickly, and many advantages will inject new power into the store. The company promotes and promotes in some media to improve the influence of stores and the profit space of products. These advantages will help development.

The above is an introduction to how much the joining fee of Xingshi Tea is and what the market prospect is. I hope it will be helpful to everyone. Xingshi Tea pays attention to the quality of tea drinks. Its high cost performance ratio stands out among many brands, and it has also become a popular drink with high market sales. When operating the store, the company will provide store evaluation, market analysis, and design the decoration of the store, so that franchisees will be able to operate easily.

  • one thousand four hundred and ninety-five people Pay attention to milk tea
  • seven thousand seven hundred and sixty people Consultation milk tea

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