Franchise fee of Nature Milk Tea Shop

2024-05-06 08:03:22   Source: China Franchise Network   66 people participated
  • Business scope: milk tea
  • Number of stores: 100
  • Single store investment: 5~10 ten thousand
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No matter where you go now, you can see all kinds of milk tea beverage stores. The store type is small and the business is very good. The diversified milk tea drinks have different tastes, bringing different tastes to consumers. Among many milk tea brands, Nature Milk Tea Store has a high influence and reputation, rich product lines, affordable prices, has a large number of customer fans in the market, and has become a powerful brand in the milk tea industry. The considerable development prospect gives entrepreneurs the idea of joining. How much is the joining fee of Nature Milk Tea Shop?

 Joined in Nature Milk Tea Shop

Nature milk tea brand was founded in 2008, adhering to the goal of advanced mainland Hong Kong style milk tea brand, to bring authentic and authentic Hong Kong style milk tea experience to consumers. Try to bring consumers fresh, fashionable and delicious milk tea. Operating the characteristics of milk tea in different places, when customers taste milk tea here, it is like traveling around the country with a good journey of milk tea. Once it is launched into the market, it is welcomed by consumers. To open a milk tea shop like this, the franchise fee is about 100000 to 200000 yuan. The franchise fee varies with different types of stores. The detailed cost is still based on the actual situation.

In terms of the selection of ingredients and raw materials, Nature Milk Tea Shop selects imported high-quality Ceylon black tea, which is brewed through two processes: strict proportion, time and temperature control, and baking tea, bumping tea. At the same time, it also adds international brand light milk, without adding any fat powder, so that the milk tea tastes more smooth and healthy. A variety of series of products, transparent food operation room, each production process is completed under the eyes of consumers, make now and sell now, to maintain the taste of milk tea.

 Nature Milk Tea Shop

The Nature Milk Tea Shop is favored by consumers with its unique production method. The powerful product R&D team has made in-depth research and exploration on the milk tea industry, constantly upgrading technology, bringing forth new products and increasing product categories. For the unified purchase and distribution of core materials brought by the franchise milk tea stores, the manufacturers provide directly, no middlemen earn price differences, control the quality of food materials from the source, and create a large sales space for the franchise stores.

The franchise fee of Nature Milk Tea Store is not very high. The company provides a variety of franchise stores for franchise stores, and makes reasonable planning and analysis on the venture capital of franchise stores. It will be much easier to operate by providing a reasonable market operation plan, conveying advanced business concepts and development models, improving service levels, and strengthening market competitiveness.

  • one thousand four hundred and ninety-five people Pay attention to milk tea
  • ten thousand one hundred and forty-eight people Consultation milk tea

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