Heiguang's eldest brother
Heiguang's eldest brother
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 constant dripping wears away a stone
 constant dripping wears away a stone

constant dripping wears away a stone

Published on: August 8, 2015

Although the articles are few, they are excellent. When each of your three posts can reach 100 views and 10 replies, you have the power to pierce the stone through dripping water.

#Other # About joining Shentong

Brother Shentong! I want to join Shentong Organization. Why have I been reviewing it? I hope I can give it to you, thank you! Read the original text >>


#National haze prevention and pollution control #+haze prevention is a must!

Local government departments should take charge of all illegal enterprises. We should make more buses, subways and other energy-saving vehicles, and less private cars. We should actively participate in energy conservation, environmental protection and emission reduction activities, such as "Earth Hour", turn off the lights frequently, turn off WIFI routers at night, and turn off computers and other electrical appliances Read the original text >>


What's the difference between Apple fans and Microsoft fans? New chart gives you the answer

The data statistics company Ranker has collected 20 million data to distinguish between Apple fans and Microsoft fans. According to the latest icon, Apple fans prefer brands such as BMW, Mercedes, Gap and Starbucks, while Microsoft fans prefer brands such as Yahoo, IBM and eBay. Apple fans don't like three Read the original text >>


A large number of iPad Air 2 parts are exposed! Motherboard, Touch ID, A8X

We all know that Apple will release a new iPad Air/iPad mini (and perhaps iMac) on October 16, but there is very little exposure of parts before the launch of this iPad Air. However, a large number of iPad Air 2 parts were finally exposed in the space of QQ on the mainland. First, the iPad Ai on the first picture Read the original text >>


Yijia and JBL launched new products on October 13

Those who like audio should be familiar with the brand JBL, which combines sound quality and fashion closely. Many audio devices launched are not only unique in shape but also good in effect. Interestingly, this time, together with mobile phones and JBL, they said they would launch new products in the afternoon of the 13th of this month. Both sides Read the original text >>


Huawei Glory TV Reveals

It has been reported that Huawei will launch a Glory TV together with Cookai. What will it be like? Now some users have released spy photos of this TV, and the ultra narrow frame looks very good. At the same time, from the spy photos, this TV supports dual band Wi Fi, while the previous exposure information shows that this TV will be called Rong Read the original text >>


IPhone 6 battery life results: hard to describe

The foreign media with a huge database finally released the battery life test results of the iPhone 6 a few days ago. Unlike before, this time there is no specific sub project, only the final total score. From the results, when the time spent watching videos, making phone calls and browsing the web every day is 1 hour, iPhone 6 can Read the original text >>


IPhone 6/6 Plus Updates iOS 8.0.1 and Apple "Bricks" Emergency Dismounts

Apple officially released the iOS 8.0.1 system update on Wednesday. However, according to a large number of netizens, after the upgrade, the iPhone 6 has basically become a "brick". Specifically, the mobile phone has never been able to find the cellular network signal, and the TouchID fingerprint authentication function has also completely failed. At present, it is known that the affected models are iPhone 6, iPhone 6P Read the original text >>


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