Hand in hand

other , Taiwan , changhua

Last login: 2013/11/18

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About holding hands
I come from central Taiwan. I have been studying photography for about 2 years. Please give me more guidance and suggestions. Thank you
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Friend holding hands
485 friends in total
Smart ants
Leisure Clouds and Far Cranes
Washing stone
Another bird
Gold Hook Captain
Grind film
Red stamp
2009 above the cloud

Message from friends holding hands
Display 10 messages, 160 in total
Washing stone

2020-02-25 21:49

Seven years,
have no news at all,
Far away you,
Is it all right?

Cat in the Mountain

2011-02-02 11:05

Green mountains without ink millennium painting, water without strings forever love. A friend has a heart without words, and the sky is not old for a hundred years.
SM wishes you good luck, health and safety in the Year of the Rabbit.


2010-02-15 10:15

Best wishes for the Spring Festival!

Washing stone

2010-02-14 11:01

It is another spring coming, and the fresh wind turns green early in the south of the Yangtze River. Sincerely wish a happy New Year! Everything goes well!

Eyes Watching Guests

2010-02-13 14:37

Happy New Year!

Tink to fly

2010-02-12 17:55

Wish teachers and family a happy New Year! Everything goes well! Lucky Year of the Tiger!

Liu Yadong

2010-02-11 22:00

The year of the Ox is about to pass; The dawn is bright, and the Year of the Tiger is coming. As we bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new year, I would like to give you my sincere greetings: You will always be happy, which is my greatest wish.

Leisure Clouds and Far Cranes

2010-01-14 08:50

Thanks for your encouragement! Wish you a happy New Year!

Eternal repair

2009-06-15 10:03

Thanks for sharing!! Wish you all the best!!!

Shellfish picker

2009-04-30 12:57

Happy May Day!

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