male 59 married
China , Heilongjiang , Harbin

Last login: March 5, 2019

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Common equipment
camera Sony Alpha DSLR-A350 , Sony Alpha DSLR-A100 , Canon EOS 350D , Nikon Coolpix 5700 , Canon EOS 60D
camera lens Sony SAL-1680Z , Sony SAL-50F14 , Sony SAL-100M28 , Sony SAL-70200G

Access statistics: 10033
Works of Bannerman

Collection of Bannermen

come from: Harmony of Heaven and Man

come from: Red tomato

come from: king of birds

Bannerman's Blog
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Flag Man's Friend
439 friends in total
Corn is fragrant
Fu Bingquan
Dushan Purple
Aftertaste life
Old x
Jia Yuwei
Little apprentice

Flagman's friend message
Display 10 messages, 21 in total
Have fun

2013-09-18 13:19

I wish my teacher a happy Mid Autumn Festival

Have fun

2013-02-23 16:00

I sincerely wish my teacher a happy Lantern Festival, good health, happy family and good luck.

Mountain leaves

2013-02-22 11:22

I wish my friends a happy Lantern Festival, good luck, happy reunion and a happy family.

Dongting Fisherman

2013-02-17 09:22

Happy New Year!

Mountain leaves

2013-02-10 18:37

I wish my teacher a happy Spring Festival, good health, good luck and a happy family. I hope my teacher will produce more excellent works in the new year.


2013-02-09 15:37

happy new year! good luck and happiness to you! Happy family!

Ya'er's wish

2013-02-08 20:51

Wish you a happy New Year, a happy family and good health! Good works!!

Ya'er's wish

2013-01-01 10:10

Wish you a happy New Year, a happy family and good health!


2012-12-31 22:54

Wish you a happy New Year, a happy family and good health!


2012-10-01 10:30

Happy holidays!

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