Chen Yan
female 42 years old single
China , Shanghai , Jinshan

Last login: December 11, 2007

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 QQ 379136395

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hobby Travel? , Photography

Access statistics: 1760
About Chen Yan
Hello, friends! Welcome! I will learn from your valuable suggestions in the future, thank you! Let's come on together!!!

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Chen Yan's Friend
70 friends in total
Romantic photographer
Breeze Shadows
Qiulin 1
Dragon Rain
Xun Jian
Take no pictures in the pool

Chen Yan's friend left a message
Display 7 messages in total
Oriental China

2007-09-25 20:42

I wish my movie friends and family two happy holidays and good health


2007-09-25 00:51

The bright moon is rising above the sea, everyone faraway enjoy the same moment! May the moonlight tonight illuminate all your dreams, and I sincerely wish your dreams come true! Wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival! 

Wannan wind

2007-08-01 21:47

The wine is filled with true feelings, the coffee is filled with romance, the tea is filled with aftertaste, the message is filled with friendship, and greetings are my best wishes! I wish you: ideals, fantasies, dreams, dreams come true; There are many excellent works in sunny, cloudy and rainy days!!!


2007-07-24 13:52

Why can't you see Xiapu's works?

Color expansion master

2007-07-06 11:37

Hello, my friend. Thank you for being your friend and communicating more!

old scholar tree

2007-07-03 20:51

I'm glad to make friends and communicate more!


2007-07-01 16:53

Finally, I got on the new photography, and I will communicate more in the future.

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