Yucheng Snow Dragon

China , Sichuan , Ya'an

Last login: March 31, 2013

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Common equipment
camera Nikon D200

Access statistics: 3514
Works of Yucheng Xuelong

Collection of Yucheng Xuelong

come from: zjw88

come from: O Purple air from the east o

come from: Hand in hand

Yucheng Xuelong's Blog

Friends of Yucheng Xuelong
39 friends in total
Cat in the Mountain
Equatorial countercurrent
Raincity prodigal son
Grasshopper 0429
Shan Ying
grain rain
Enjoy vs be happy
Birch forest

Message from friends of Yucheng Xuelong
Display 9 messages in total
Bright rain

2008-02-06 19:31

Happy Spring Festival!


2007-05-15 11:50

Leave footprints

Ping Ping

2007-05-04 23:34

I would like to have a good body, a good family, a good career, a good mood and a circle of good friends. I wish you a lot of good work!


2007-04-28 15:31

have a quality holiday


2007-04-27 10:58

The moving image must have been moved first. The image is real and has a real impact! The works here are true!!!


2007-04-05 01:52

Sleeping in spring without knowing the dawn

Yang Shenghua

2007-03-29 15:41

Hello! I'm glad you can be my friend! Hope later: more criticism and correction! Communicate and learn more! And welcome you to the most beautiful town in China - Fenghuang, Xiangxi, Hunan! Photography creation! Sightseeing! Finally, I wish you a fruitful creation! Many good movies! May all your wishes come true! Everything goes well!!!

Yucheng Laoniu

2007-03-27 23:13

Because of your presence, I have a friend; Because of your greetings, I have a lot of happiness!

Yucheng Snow Dragon

2007-03-27 14:53

I am very willing to be friends with you. As you said, we should communicate and help more.

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