123 Summer

China , Sichuan , Chengdu

Last login: 2008/04/17

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123 Summer Blog

123 Friends in summer
16 friends in total
Whisk the bell silently
Lingzhi grass
Sun Haibao
Ancient Luocheng
Long floating
Pan Yuefeng

123 Messages from friends in summer
Display 7 messages in total
Three eyed Earthworm

2008-05-13 11:30

123 Summer movie friends, how are these two days? I watched TV all night last night and was worried about the film friends in Sichuan. May you take care!

Lingzhi grass

2008-05-01 20:03

Wish: Happy May Day

Three eyed Earthworm

2008-02-10 14:08

For a while, I have been receiving new photography films, but I have never forgotten the encouragement, support and care from many teachers and friends. It's another new year. Here's my blessing. I wish you all the best in 2008

Ciyun caresses the warmth of spring/ring incense and light cage, bright moonlight/Bodhi mirror, Zen heart is in/infinite happiness returns at an auspicious age.

I wish everyone: good luck, good luck, good luck and everything is complete!

Three eyed Earthworm

2007-12-25 12:41

Merry Christmas to my friends and teachers in the new photography! Happy New Year's Day! Happy Spring Festival! Good work every day, happy every day!!!

A mouthful of the world

2007-12-24 16:30

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year's Day! Wish you good health and good luck! Good movies keep coming! The whole family is happy every day! I wish you all the best!!!!!!!!!

Three eyed Earthworm

2007-10-21 14:35

Autumn is coming, the sky is getting cooler, and the wild geese are setting the sun; Osmanthus luxuriant, chrysanthemum fragrance, breeze with cool; Red flowers fade, green forest is yellow, don't forget to add clothes; Less melancholy, enjoy the sunshine, and the sounds of nature are sonorous.
Although the autumn is cool, the color is strong. I wish the lecherous teachers and friends more excellent works! good health!

A mouthful of the world

2007-09-23 16:31

In the coming season of the Mid Autumn Festival and the National Day,
I sincerely wish you a happy holiday,
Everything goes well and is safe,
Pick up the camera and create more masterpieces!

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