Open now
Number of long tail key words

one hundred and thirty-seven point six nine Billion+

Bidding keywords

fourteen point four nine Billion+

Index word

two hundred and seventeen point nine 10000 yuan+

Whole network big data

Exclusive keyword big data

Faster and more accurate updates

10 billion word bank drainage

Multi industry and multi-dimensional in-depth word mining

Fast traffic growth

Seo real-time monitoring

Real time monitoring of multi site changes

Preemptively optimize and occupy the top search

Real time check of recorded information

Real filing information, rapid customer expansion

Easily achieve performance growth

  • ********22 At 10:33 Renewal VIP
  • ********54 At 12:50 Renewal VIP
  • ********an At 13:40 Renewal VIP
  • ********30 At 10:37 Renewal VIP
  • ********19 At 05:52 Renewal VIP
  • ********27 At 10:34 Renewal VIP
  • ********me At 10:30 Renewal VIP
  • ********87 At 14:09 Open VIP
  • ********28 At 09:32 Open VIP
  • ********78 At 22:36 Renewal VIP

Registered user

Up and down keywords

Cannot view all up and down words

Unable to keep abreast of site dynamics

Bidding words

Unable to view site bidding words

Unable to gain core competitive advantage

Traffic thesaurus

Cannot view the whole network traffic thesaurus

Unable to quickly realize drainage and realization

Weight ranking trend

Cannot view all ranking trends

Unable to understand the site ranking

Competitive website analysis

Unable to view the site competition website

Unable to understand competitor dynamics and optimize the site

Whois filing query

Unable to view all registration or filing information

The expansion of customers is hindered and the performance is difficult to grow

VIP member

Network ranking query

Check the ranking information of the whole network with one click

More accurate data and simpler drainage

Massive long tail word mining

One click mining massive long tail words

The thesaurus has many dimensions and is updated quickly

Bidding term query

Timely understand the commercial value of bidding words

Quickly realize site realization

Competitor analysis

Timely access to multiple competitive intelligence

Seize the optimization opportunity and occupy the front row of search

Keyword query

Second level query of whole network keywords

Improve site optimization efficiency

Real time filing customer

Real time access to the latest registration and filing information

Easy access to accurate customers and fast transaction

More than ten years of technological innovation advantages, the common choice of tens of millions of webmasters

Seo comprehensive optimization

Weight multi-dimensional monitoring

Domain name/filing quick check

One click analysis of up and down words

Network ranking trend

Massive long tail word mining

Ten Billion Thesaurus Query

Bidding term query

Competitor analysis

Multi site real-time monitoring

Open VIP members and unlock massive privileges

Privilege comparison Registered user
Up and down keywords 1 page only
Bidding keywords 1 page only
Filtered by bidding directory Only 10 words
Accurate keyword screening
Keyword payment export No discount
City keyword ranking Only 1 city
All keywords (whole network) 50 pages (limited time)
Page weight query (whole network) 1 page only
Competitive website analysis (whole network) 1 page only
Sub domain weight traffic analysis (whole network) 1 page only
Weight trend analysis (whole network) Only 1 month
Collection trend analysis (whole network) Only 1 month
Keyword trend analysis (whole network) Only 1 month
PC and mobile word number trend analysis (whole network) Only 1 month
Weight ranking trend analysis (whole network) Only 1 month
Star network big data
Long tailed word mining 1 page only
Mining bidding words 1 page only
Index word mining 1 page only
Mining related words 1 page only
Drop Down Word Mining 1 page only
Daily Hot Long Tail Words 1 page only
High frequency words in the industry 30 words
Single high-frequency words in the industry 20 words
Value data payment export No discount
SEO monitoring background
Website monitoring - number of websites Only 1 station
Keyword ranking monitoring - number of websites Only 1 station
Keyword ranking monitoring - number of words 10 words
Keyword index monitoring - number of words Only 100 words
Website collection monitoring - number of websites 1 station
Domain name/HOIS
Latest registered domain name Only 1 day
Email Backcheck 1 page only
Countercheck of registrant 1 page only
Telephone counter check 1 page only
Domain Name Batch Backcheck Only 20
Value data payment export No discount
Filing information
Latest filed domain name Only 5
Accurate search of the latest filed domain name
Record website 10 pages only
Accurate search of website filing
Company website filing Lenovo query
Filing data analysis Only 7 days
Latest logout domain name Only 5
The latest logout domain name precise search
Latest APP filing Only 5
Latest applet filing Only 5
Value data payment export No discount
Other equity
Data internal parameter - list data 5 pages only
VIP member
500 pages
500 pages
500 pages
9.8 Folding
100 times of free export per day (all functions are accumulated), and this item can lead up to 1140 entries
5 cities in total
500 pages
5 pages in total
50 pages
50 pages
50 pages
50 pages
50 pages
50 pages
1000 words
9.8 Folding
5 stations
25 stations
200 words
1000 words
5 stations
5000 pages
1000 pages
1000 pages
1000 pages
9.8 Folding
100 free exports per day (accumulated by each function), and this item can lead up to the first 1000 entries
100 pages
100 pages
100 pages
100 pages
100 pages
9.8 Folding
100 free exports per day (accumulated by each function), and this item can lead up to the first 1000 entries
500 pages
Online consultation
WeChat consultation
Scan code to add WeChat customer service
Online time:
08:30 - 18:00

Assist the station master in marketing growth and continue to develop professional services

Keyword optimization analysis
Analyze the difficulty of keyword optimization through big data to show the analysis results.


new function

SEO monitoring background v1.1 release
The website keyword ranking is optimized, and the data structure is clearer.


Function upgrade

VIP benefit upgrade
Vip members have more exclusive marketing functions to help the website quickly attract customers.


Function upgrade

More functions, please wait

common problem

1. What is the scope of VIP privileges?
This VIP is applicable to some functions of webmaster tools, and does not enjoy Included VIP privileges of independent operating platforms. Please go to the relevant page to purchase other platform VIPs.
2. Can I make a corporate payment?
We support the payment method of corporate payment. The payment window will provide the relevant payment QR code. After the payment is completed, submit the relevant payment voucher to the customer service
3. How to invoice after purchase?
After opening VIP, log in Tools User Center Background , select "Invoice Application" under the "Financial Record" section to apply for invoicing.
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