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Casting Soul, Educating People and Empowering People to Do a Good Job in the Promotion and Popularization of National Common Language in the Future
Time: 2024-06-07 14:36:00 Source: Font size:[ Small large ]

Tumen City has always been doing a good job in ethnic areas by promoting and popularizing the common language and characters of the country, shaping the image of urban civilization, building the "Charming Tumen" city brand, taking building the awareness of the Chinese national community as the main line, promoting the common destiny through language communication, and constantly building a common spiritual home for the Chinese nation.

——We should attach great importance to scientific planning and do a good job in "overall planning". Give play to the leading role of the party and government organs, further improve the management system of Tumen City, which is "led by the party committee, led by the government, coordinated by the language committee, supported by departments, and participated by the society", carry out work exchanges regularly, and include the study of "one law, one example" into the study category of public officials; Highlight the benchmark role of the education system, actively build a diversified platform, and lay a solid foundation for the standardization of language and characters with rich and colorful activities such as essay solicitation, calligraphy and painting competitions, and classic reading; Highlight the window role of the public service industry, coordinate the industry departments to perform their language work responsibilities according to law, and guide the staff of all units and window service personnel to promote and popularize the national common language with standardized use of Mandarin.

——Build a platform, integrate and advance, and do a good job of "common article". "People" are united. Implement the legal requirements of the national common language as the basic language for education and teaching, continue to create a strong atmosphere for language work, further play the role of the school as the basic position, take a proactive attitude, scientific and sound steps, and start from reality, integrate the standardized standards of language and characters into the evaluation system, and into the school's work management Teachers' classroom practice, students' daily learning and other links make "speaking Putonghua and writing standard characters" a conscious behavior of teachers and students. At the same time, we will strengthen the guidance, inspection and supervision of the national common language education and teaching, and comprehensively improve the quality of national common language education and teaching. "Language" is homophone. We should firmly grasp the critical period of children's language learning, focus on strengthening pre-school children's Putonghua education, and lay a good language foundation for pre-school children to enter the compulsory education stage. Cultivate preschool children's basic ability to communicate in Mandarin, form a habit of thinking in Mandarin, and encourage children to talk with adults and partners in standard Mandarin. Through various activities, children are guided to immerse themselves in the language practice of "listening, speaking, thinking and daring", so that they can speak freely and express themselves confidently. At present, Putonghua education for preschool children at all levels and in all types of kindergartens in Tumen City is progressing in an orderly manner. "Book" is the same as the text. We will implement the use of national textbooks in ethnic minority areas. So far, the use of national textbooks in three subjects and the education of national common language and characters have been fully covered. "Promote" the same prosperity. In September last year, Tumen Municipal Language Commission Office, with the theme of "promoting Putonghua and forging ahead on a new journey", combined with the construction of a warm rural campus, promoted the opening of a "second classroom" of language and culture such as reading and calligraphy to enrich campus culture. Advocate all teachers and students to talk about Putonghua and write standard characters under the green shade of campus, the warmth of family, and the vast world of society. Let the atmosphere of speaking Putonghua and writing standard characters flow from campus to society, and from towns to villages, adding a touch of bright color to the magnificent picture of Tumen's rural revitalization.

——Strive to reach the standard, track the effectiveness, and do a good job of "integration article". Take training as the carrier and pursue effectiveness. First, strictly implement the system of teachers holding Mandarin level certificates, fully understand the level of Mandarin in the education system, establish accounts for teachers who fail to meet the standards one by one, and implement the "one-to-one" assistance mechanism and list cancellation management. The second is to improve teachers' professional skills by organizing training. In 2023, the full-time national teachers of the education system were organized to participate in the practical training course of improving the application ability of the national common language and characters, and participated in the level test of Putonghua; In 2024, full-time Chinese teachers will be organized to participate in the special training of Chinese classics reading network. The third is to carry out activities with competition as the starting point, and organize teachers and students of the education system to participate in the 2023 Chinese Classic Reading and Speaking Competition, the winner of the "Pen and Ink China" Chinese Character Writing Competition, the winner of the "Reading China" Classic Reading Competition, the "Poetry Teaching China" Poetry Explanation Competition, and the "Impression China" Seal Cutting Competition. Through the competition, we can share the fruits of reading, improve our language skills, deeply understand the cultural connotation behind Chinese characters, feel the beauty of Chinese characters' rhythm and form, and understand the breadth and depth of Chinese culture.

(Han Hong, Tumen Citizen Religious Bureau)


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