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Jilin Provincial People's Committee (Religious Bureau) carried out pre festival warning education and collective anti-corruption talk
Time: June 6, 2024 13:37:00 Source: Font size:[ Small large ]

In order to further strengthen the ideological dam of resisting corruption and preventing degeneration, guide party members and cadres to be vigilant, understand the bottom line, be in awe, and ensure a clean and honest holiday, the Jilin Provincial People's Committee (Religious Bureau) held a special meeting on June 5 to conduct pre holiday warning education and incorruption talk reminding for leading cadres at the level of deputy department level and above and class members of affiliated institutions in the form of collective talks, The relevant discipline requirements during the festival were clarified, and Party members and cadres were educated and guided to reflect on themselves at all times, build a solid ideological defense line, hold the bottom line of safety, and stay away from the red line of discipline violations. Feng Qingzhong, the director (director) of the Provincial Ethnic Affairs Commission (Religious Affairs Bureau), presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Liu Zhifeng, head of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in the United Front Work Department of the Provincial Party Committee, conveyed the spirit of the provincial discipline inspection and supervision system's special seminar on learning and implementing the spirit of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection Plenary Session and the provincial discipline inspection and supervision organ's supervision, inspection, review and investigation work conference, conveyed the spirit of interpreting the relevant documents of the Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee, and put forward supervision suggestions.

Liu Zhifeng stressed that we should improve our political position, deeply understand the importance of carrying out the special rectification work to correct the "four styles" problem, take the special rectification work as a concrete test of firmly supporting the "two establishment" and firmly achieving the "two maintenance", and earnestly enhance the political consciousness, ideological consciousness and action consciousness of the special rectification work. We should implement the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, strengthen organizational leadership, adhere to the overall situation, resolutely shoulder the political responsibility of special rectification work, refine work responsibilities, and do a good job in implementing the work. It is necessary to strengthen supervision and inspection, take the "Dragon Boat Festival" node as an opportunity, focus on prominent problems, strengthen the rectification of the "four winds", establish new trends, strengthen the management of clues, and achieve accurate discipline enforcement and accountability.

Feng Qingzhong required that leading cadres of Party members should earnestly fulfill the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, conscientiously fulfill the "two responsibilities for one post", closely combine with the study and education of Party discipline, take the lead in strictly observing discipline rules, faithfully implement the spirit of the eight provisions of the Central Committee, and strictly abide by the Party's political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, mass discipline, work discipline and life discipline, We will firmly uphold the "bottom line", never touch the "red line", thoroughly correct the "persistent problems" of the four disciplines, and consolidate the effectiveness of the major rectification of the work style of the committee (bureau). We should consciously resist unhealthy practices, adhere to the above, firmly implement the work of deepening the expansion and rectification of formalism to reduce the burden at the grass-roots level, and earnestly correct formalism and bureaucracy that increase the burden at the grass-roots level. We should be strict with ourselves and shoulder their responsibilities, strictly control the jurisdiction, strictly prevent the rebound of "four styles", and live up to the "integrity" festival. We should firmly establish a sense of integrity in politics, keep a clear head and a high degree of vigilance at all times, consciously engrave compliance with rules and disciplines in our hearts, internalize them into the code of words and deeds, further strengthen the sense of discipline, strengthen self-restraint, improve immunity, enhance political determination, discipline determination, moral determination, and resistance to corruption, always be loyal, clean and responsible, and work with full enthusiasm High morale and pragmatic style promote the high-quality development of Jilin's ethnic and religious work.


(Party Committee Xu Yulong)

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