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    Impact on mobile phone sales? Count the unexpected charm of TF card
      [   Zhongguancun Online Original] Author:   |   Editor in charge: Sun Yuliang
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    In addition to its wide range of applications, the breakthrough of TF card in capacity also shocked many users: Up to 200GB peak value For many users, the capacity of 200GB is an astronomical figure. Usually, 32GB is enough. It is impossible to imagine what data the space of 200GB should be used for. In fact, in addition to being used by people in need, it is also a symbol of brand strength.

     Peak capacity Sandisk 200GB TF card Jingdong exclusive debut
    TF memory card breakthrough peak capacity

    In addition, in the first half of this year, the Samsung brand, which has been committed to providing consumers with faster and more fun storage products, also launched a 128GB TF card, and many smart phones have provided support for the maximum expansion capacity.

     Large capacity! First test of Samsung EVO Plus 128G TF card
    Samsung EVO Plus 128G TF card

    The author has verified with the manufacturer that all smart devices that support TF card expansion of 64GB and above can support the identification and use of 128GB or even 200GB TF cards, because the memory cards have the same specifications and are all SDXC series. Once such a conclusion is reached, many mobile phones and tablets that currently support high-capacity expansion can properly use high-capacity TF memory cards.

         Editor's Note: People can't be judged by appearances, and water can't be measured. TFCard has proved this by itself. It seems to be an extremely common storage tool. It can have a breakthrough capacity, up to 95MB/s transmission speed, and an unexpected wide range of applications. It may even affect consumers' purchase decisions on mobile phones. Would you still underestimate it? true // report eight hundred and ninety-one In addition to its wide range of applications, the breakthrough of TF card in capacity also shocked many users: up to 200GB peak value. For many users, the capacity of 200GB is an astronomical figure. Usually, 32GB is enough. It is impossible to imagine what data the space of 200GB should be used for. In fact, in addition to being used by people in need, it is also a symbol of brand strength. TF Memory Card
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