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    Impact on mobile phone sales? Count the unexpected charm of TF card

      [   Zhongguancun Online Original] Author:   |   Editor in charge: Sun Yuliang
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    The small body of TF card can hold a lot of information! Miraculously, the size of the 8GB and 200GB models is the same, which means that the larger the capacity of the TF card Flash Memory The higher the requirements for selection, the lower the yield rate, and naturally the price does not increase proportionally. However, the degree of attention paid to TF cards is far beyond your expectation.

     Impact on mobile phone sales? Count the unexpected charm of TF card
    Impact on mobile phone sales? Count the unexpected charm of TF card

    In today's mobile Internet era, where information spreads at a high speed, TF cards bring greater flexibility and freedom to smartphone manufacturers and consumers, thus promoting the development of the smartphone market. According to the data provided by Strategy Analytics, about 75% of smart phone models in the market are equipped with microSD mobile card slots. A survey in Japan shows that 50% of users choose to buy smart phones because they support TF card expansion.

     Samsung TF Card Selection
    Samsung EVO Plus 128GB TF card inserted into mobile phone for use

    For a long time, many Android smart phones support TF card expansion, which makes Android users feel very gratified. However, with the development of the market, many brands have canceled this function for the sake of a more lightweight design. According to the data of a survey company, 40% of users said they were unwilling to buy new Android phones that would soon be launched without TF card expansion, and the sales of similar Android phones that had already been launched were not optimistic. You never think that TF card will affect the sales of smart phones! true // report nine hundred and eleven The small body of TF card can hold a lot of information! Miraculously, the size of 8GB and 200GB capacity models is the same, which means that the larger the capacity of TF card, the higher the requirements on the selection of flash memory, the lower the yield rate, and naturally the price does not increase proportionally. However, the degree of attention paid to TF cards is far beyond your expectation. Impact on mobile phone sales? Count TF Card Intention
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