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Go home and turn over old records to go to the ultra modern portable phonograph Author: Pan Hao Editor in charge: Hu Zhenwei [Compiled] 05:47, February 8, 2010 comment

There are several things you need to know about the phonograph:

1. The phonograph was invented by Thomas Edison.

2. The phonograph appeared later than the camera.

3. The "disc" of the first generation phonograph is cylindrical.

4. The disc was not proposed by Edison, but was improved by Emil Berliner.

 Go home and turn over old records to go to the ultra modern portable phonograph
Ebony record

Take a look at this ultra modern concept phonograph. Its name is Linos:

 Go home and turn over old records to go to the ultra modern portable phonograph

 Go home and turn over old records to go to the ultra modern portable phonograph

 Go home and turn over old records to go to the ultra modern portable phonograph

 Go home and turn over old records to go to the ultra modern portable phonograph

 Go home and turn over old records to go to the ultra modern portable phonograph
Linos User Manual

The illustration of the manual is very detailed. Just push out the base, put on the disc, and then put the stylus on the disc. This nostalgic item is modern. It also reminds me of another concept MP3 CD player.

 Go home and turn over old records to go to the ultra modern portable phonograph
Concept CD player

This MP3 You can play CDs, but this is obviously unreasonable. First, CD generates radiation during operation. Open CD player also affects health. Second, when the CD player is running, the disc rotates at a high speed. If it is like the above figure, the CD player must be placed on a horizontal desktop.

Therefore, compared with the record player, it is more reasonable and expected to be put into production.

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