Bassan inspected and guided the promotion of tourism work in Jiama Township
2024-06-18 12:54:47 Source: Tiny Black Bamboo

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On June 17, Basang, deputy secretary of the Mozhugongka County Party Committee and head of the county, inspected and guided the promotion of tourism work in Jiama Township on the spot, with the participation of the heads of the local government and relevant units.

In Jiama Township, Basang listened to the report of the Culture and Tourism Bureau of Mozhugongka County on the detailed planning for the construction of tourism development in Jiama, the upgrading and reconstruction design of Sijinlacuo Scenic Spot, and the upgrading and reconstruction design of the Mira Mountain viewing platform of the County Development and Reform Commission, and proposed guidance for the optimization and improvement of the scheme.

Bassan pointed out that the development and building of the whole region tourism is the key work of the county party committee and the county government this year, and it is also an important measure to implement the spirit of Secretary Xiao Youcai's research in Mozhu and Mayor Wang Qiang's special research on Mozhu's cultural and tourism work. The local government and relevant departments should attach great importance to it, strengthen the sense of responsibility and mission, constantly optimize the top-level design, and accelerate the formation of "planning", Better guide the creation of global tourism.

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Bassan stressed that it is necessary to speed up the clarification of the historical and cultural origins of Jiama Township, integrate human and natural resources, and form high-quality tourism and cultural support throughout Jiama; We should continue to improve the facades of the main roads along the street, handle the relationship between the transformation of rural landscape and traditional culture, and help upgrade the "appearance" of rural landscape; It is necessary to promote the implementation of "planning" and "design" achievements at a high level, improve the infrastructure and improve the supporting facilities of scenic spots and scenic spots, and implement the whole region tourism building at a high standard.

Editor in charge: He Yongqing
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Host: People's Government of Mozhugongka County Address: Government compound of Gaze New Area, Gongka Town, Mozhu Gongka County, Lhasa, Tibet Tel: 0891-6130568
Website ID: 5401270002 Record No.: Zang ICP Bei 2021000233-1
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