Ma Yonglong Attends the 2024 Literature and Art Festival in Mozhugongka County
2024-05-06 11:00:22 Source: Tiny Black Bamboo

Recently, the Mozhugongka County Federation of Trade Unions and the County Party Committee and the County Women's Federation held the 2024 Mozhugongka County "Chinese Dream, Labor Beauty - the Most Beautiful Labor Glorious Contribution" and "Celebrating the May 1st and Welcoming the May 4th" literary and artistic performance at the New Era Civilized Practice Center. Ma Yonglong, Deputy Secretary of Mozhugongka County Party Committee, attended and delivered a speech, Zhang Zhiwen, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, Yang Dan, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Chairman of the CPPCC County Committee, Yang Yong, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress and Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions, and heads of all units directly under the county, townships (towns), and trade unions of enterprises and institutions attended.

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Entrusted by Shen Pengli, Secretary of Mozhugongka County Party Committee, Ma Yonglong, on behalf of the four leading groups of the county, extended holiday greetings to the cadres and workers of the county who worked hard and fought hard at the front line. It was emphasized that trade union organizations at all levels should actively play the role of "mother family", and cadres and workers should make greater contributions to building a better home in the new era and new journey.

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During the activity, 9 representatives of model workers at all levels in the county were visited. The performance on the stage was wonderful, the audience was enthusiastic, and the scene was happy and peaceful, showing the energetic spirit of the Mozhu people. Jin Mei, the model worker of the autonomous region, made an exchange speech in combination with his own work, showing the spirit of the workers in the county who love and build ink bamboo.

Through this activity, the broad masses of workers and staff felt a happy and peaceful festival atmosphere, and further enhanced the firm confidence of the broad masses of workers and staff in Mozhu to always listen to the Party's words, feel the Party's grace, and follow the Party.

Editor in charge: He Yongqing
Ma Yonglong Attends the 2024 Literature and Art Festival in Mozhugongka County
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Host: People's Government of Mozhugongka County Address: Government compound of Gaze New Area, Gongka Town, Mozhu Gongka County, Lhasa, Tibet Tel: 0891-6130568
Website ID: 5401270002 Record No.: Zang ICP Bei 2021000233-1
Technical support: Tibet Media Group