Mozhugongka County Held a Special Conference on Flood Control, Drought Relief and Earthquake Prevention and Disaster Reduction
April 30, 2024 12:09:14 Source: Tiny Black Bamboo

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On April 29, Mozhugongka County organized a special conference on flood control and drought relief, earthquake prevention and disaster reduction in 2024. Zhang Jiasong, member of the Standing Committee of Mozhugongka County Party Committee and Executive Deputy County Chief, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Zhaxi Dunzhu, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Deputy County Chief, presided over the meeting. The main heads of relevant departments directly under the central government of each township (town) and county, and enterprises and institutions stationed in the county attended the meeting.

The conference conveyed and learned the spirit of the national video conference on flood control and drought relief, the video and telephone conference on earthquake prevention and disaster reduction in the whole region, and the spirit of the Lhasa conference on flood control and drought relief and earthquake prevention and disaster reduction.

The meeting required that we should improve our political position, comprehensively build a security defense line, and firmly establish the awareness that "to grasp security is to grasp development and ensure people's livelihood". We should never be lucky, let alone careless, and firmly hold the bottom line to protect people's lives and property. We should attach great importance to it and implement it quickly. All departments at all levels should resolutely implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and instructions on flood control, drought relief, earthquake prevention and disaster reduction, adhere to the concept of "people first, life first", earnestly implement the spirit of this meeting, combine the actual situation of the department, refine work measures, make arrangements and arrangements, and ensure that all deployment requirements of the meeting are implemented. We should adhere to the problem orientation and prevent and resolve security risks. All departments at all levels should continue to carry out major troubleshooting and rectification of risks and hidden dangers, improve the scientificity of risk research and judgment, the accuracy of monitoring and early warning, the pertinence of hidden danger rectification, and the adequacy of emergency preparedness, and adhere to the overall deployment of flood control, drought relief, earthquake prevention and disaster reduction. We should implement our responsibilities and form joint forces. Each township (town) and the member units of the flood control and drought relief headquarters should earnestly shoulder the responsibility of the local work, strictly implement the 24-hour emergency duty in the flood season, and earnestly shoulder the political responsibility of promoting the development and ensuring the safety of one party.

Editor in charge: He Yongqing
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Host: People's Government of Mozhugongka County Address: Government compound of Gaze New Area, Gongka Town, Mozhu Gongka County, Lhasa, Tibet Tel: 0891-6130568
Website ID: 5401270002 Record No.: Zang ICP Bei 2021000233-1
Technical support: Tibet Media Group